Publications and Preprints

Ana Rechtman


Research papers

1. Existence of periodic orbits for geodesible vector fields on closed 3-manifolds.
  Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 30 (2010), no. 6, 1817-1841. pdf journal

2. Minimal Folner foliations are amenable.
  With Fernando Alcalde Cuesta. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, Vol. 31, no. 3, 2011. pdf journal

3. Averaging sequences.
  With Fernando Alcalde Cuesta. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 255, No. 1, 1-23, 2012. pdf journal

4. The Weinstein conjecture in the presence of submanifolds having a Legendrian foliation.
  With Klaus Niederkruger. Journal of Topology and Analysis (2011), Volume 3, Issue 4, 405-421. pdf journal

5. The dynamics of generic Kuperberg flows.
  With Steve Hurder. Astérisque (2016), Vol. 377:1-250. pdf journal

6. Two proofs of Taubes' theorem on strictly ergodic flows.
  With Victor Kleptsyn. Contributions of Mexican mathematicians abroad in pure and applied mathematics, 69--73. Contemp. Math., 709, Aportaciones Mat., Amer. Math. Soc. (2018) pdf journal

7. Aperiodicity at the boundary of chaos.
  With Steve Hurder. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 38 (2018), no. 7, 2683-2728. pdf journal

8. Equivalence of Deterministic walks on regular lattices on the plane.
  With Raul Rechtman. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Vol. 466, 69-78, 2017. pdf journal

9. The trunkenness of a volume-preserving vector field.
  With Pierre Dehornoy. Nonlinearity 20 (2017), no. 11, 4089-4110. pdf journal

10. A characterization of 3D steady Euler flows using commuting zero-flux homologies.
  With Daniel Peralta Salas and Francisco Torres de Lizaur. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 41(2021), no. 7, 2166-2181. pdf journal

11. Vector fields and genus in dimension 3.
  With Pierre Dehornoy. International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 5 (2022), 3262-3277. pdf journal

12. On the existence of supporting broken book decompositions for contact forms in dimension 3.
  With Vincent Colin and Pierre Dehornoy. Inventiones Mathematicae, 231 (2023), 1489-1539. pdf journal

13. Generic properties of 3-dimension Reeb flows: Birkhoff sections and entropy.
  With Vincent Colin, Pierre Dehornoy and Umberto Hryniewicz. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 99 (2024), no. 3, pp. 557 - 611. pdf journal

14. Periodic orbits and Birkhoff sections of Stable Hamiltonian structures.
  With Robert Cardona. To appear at Journal de l'École polytechnique. arXiv

15. Properties of contact toric structures and concave boundaries of linear plumbings.
  With Aleksandra Marinković, Jo Nelson, Laura Starkston, Shira Tanny and Luya Wang. arXiv

16. Homoclinic orbits, Reeb chords and nice Birkhoff sections for Reeb flows in 3D.
  With Vincent Colin and Umberto Hryniewicz (the appendix was written in collaboration with Pierre Dehornoy). arXiv

Thesis and survey papers

1. Use and disuse of plugs in foliations.
  Ph.D. Thesis at École Normal Supérieure de Lyon (2009). pdf

2. Perspectives on Kuperberg flows.
  With Steve Hurder. Topology Proceedings 51 (2018), 197 -- 244. pdf journal

3. Topological aspects of flows on 3 dimensions.
  HDR thesis. pdf

4. Kuperberg dreams.
  With Steve Hurder. For pdf celebratio

Other, mine or on my work

1. Numéro spécial de la Gazette de la SMF.
  I was one of the editors, 2024. link to the SMF

4. Livres brisés pour des flots de Reeb en dimension 3.
  Bourbaki seminar by Anna Florio, 2024. Bourbaki seminar