Clonal interference is the interaction of multiple beneficial mutations fighting for survival simultaneously in a monomorphic resident population. We consider a Moran model with mutation and selection and
illustrate that clonal interference is observable in a specific scaling regime of time and parameters, where subpopulation sizes on a logarithmic scale approximate a system of interacting piecewise linear
trajectories controlled by a Poisson point process. Further, we discuss the speed of adaptation under clonal interference and Gerrish-Lenski heuristics. The subject of this talk is ongoing joint work with Adrián
González Casanova, Felix Hermann, Renato Soares dos Santos and Anton Wakolbinger.
András Tóbiás
Clonal interference and interacting Poissonian trajectories
Tuesday, 31 January, 2023 - 14:00 to 15:00
Résumé :
Institution de l'orateur :
Budapest University of Technology and Economic
Thème de recherche :
Salle :