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Hermite polynomial : hermite

hermite takes as argument an integer n and optionnally a variable name (by default x).
hermite returns the Hermite polynomial of degree n.
If H(n, x) denotes the Hermite polynomial of degree n, the following recurrence relation holds:

H(0, x) = 1,    H(1, x) = 2x,    H(n, x) = 2xH(n - 1, x) - 2(n - 1)H(n - 2, x)

These polynomials are orthogonal for the scalar product:

< f, g > = $\displaystyle \int_{{-\infty}}^{{+\infty}}$f (x)g(x)e-x2dx

Input :
Output :
Input :
Output :

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse