An extension procedure for the constraint equations
Lundi, 5 Décembre, 2016 - 13:30
Résumé :
In this talk we present a new extension procedure for the maximal constraint equations of general relativity, motivated by applications to the Cauchy problem. Given a small solution on the unit ball, we can extend it to an asymptotically flat global solution. The main features are that our extension procedure does not need a gluing region, preserves regularity and works in weak regularity. For the proof, we use new methods to solve the prescribed divergence equation for the second fundamental form and the prescribed scalar curvature equation for the metric. We use the under-determinedness of the constraint equations to conserve regularity.
Institution de l'orateur :
Paris 6
Thème de recherche :
Physique mathématique
Salle :
Salle 1, tour IRMA