fourier_bn takes four or five arguments : an expression expr
depending of a variable, the name of this variable (for example x), the
period T, an integer n and a real a (by default a = 0).
fourier_bn(expr,x,T,n,a) returns the Fourier coefficient bn of a
function f of variable x defined on [a, a + T[ by f (x) = expr and periodic
of period T:
bn = f (x)sin()dx
To simplify the computations, one should input assume(n,integer)
before calling fourier_bn to specify that n is an integer.
Let the function f, of period T = 2, defined on [- 1;1[ by
f (x) = x2.
Input, to have the coefficient bn (n 0) :
Output :
Let the function f, of period T = 2, defined on [- 1;1[ by
f (x) = x3.
Input, to have the coefficient b1 :
Output :
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse