100, rue des maths 38610 Gières / GPS : 45.193055, 5.772076 / Directeur : Louis Funar

Scattering on asymptotically hyperbolic and Lorentzian spaces.

Monday, 2 July, 2012 - 15:30
Prénom de l'orateur : 
Nom de l'orateur : 
Résumé : 

In this talk I describe a new approach to analysis on (Riemannian) asymptotically hyperbolic (AH) spaces and certain Lorentzian spaces. This approach connects AH spaces via an extension across the boundary to asymptotically de Sitter (Lorentzian) spaces, as well as to a family of operators arising from an asymptotically Minkowski-type space. Although the problems to be analyzed are no longer elliptic, we now have microlocal tools to handle such problems in a Fredholm framework, which is stable under perturbations.
This talk will emphasize the geometric aspects of the connections between these spaces, while also briefly explaining the underlying analysis. Similar tools are also applicable to analysis on black hole backgrounds.

Institution de l'orateur : 
Thème de recherche : 
Physique mathématique
Salle : 
1 tour Irma
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