Institut Fourier (Office 134)
Université Grenoble Alpes
100 rue des Mathématiques
38610 Gières, France.
Email: suzanne (dot) schlich (at) univ-grenoble-alpes (dot) fr
I am a post-doc at the Institut Fourier of the Université Grenoble Alpes, under the mentorship of Andrea Seppi. I am a member of the ANR project GAPR "Geometry and Analysis in the Pseudo-Riemannian setting". Before that, I did my PhD at IRMA in Strasbourg and at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé in Lille. My thesis advisor was François Guéritaud.
Here is my CV.
My main interests include hyperbolic geometry, character varieties and the action of the mapping class group, (higher) Teichmüller theory and more generally geometric structures. In my thesis, I studied primitive-stable and Bowditch representations.
- PHD Thesis, Primitive-stable and Bowditch actions on Gromov-hyperbolic spaces, Defended 09/15/23. Here is the manuscript.
- Equivalence of primitive-stable and Bowditch actions of the free group of rank two on Gromov-hyperbolic spaces, 2022, arxiv
- Forum des jeunes mathématicien·nes, Bruxelles, november 2023.
- Paroles aux jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses du GDR Platon, Grenoble, november 2023.
- Séminaire Géométrie Dynamique, Lille, october 2023.
- Séminaire Géométrie et Topologie, Paris, october 2023.
- Geometry Day, Heidelberg, june 2023.
- NCNGT Conference, Online, june 2023.
- Séminaire GT3, Strasbourg, june 2023.
- Workshop ANR GAPR "Géométrie et Analyse dans le cadre pseudo-Riemannien", Nice, febuary 2023.
- Séminaire Rauzy, Marseille, january 2023.
- Geometry and Topology seminar, Luxembourg, december 2022.
- Algebra, Topology and Geometry seminar, Nice, november 2022.
- AMS-EMS-SMF International Meeting, Grenoble, july 2022.
- PhD Student seminar, Lille, june 2022.
- PhD Student seminar, Strasbourg, april 2022.
- Workshop on Anosov representations, Aussois, august 2021.
Teaching assistant at the University of Strasbourg
- Algebra, 2023, 2nd year, 33h, tutorials
- Elementary mathematics, 2021&2022, 1st year, 40h, lectures and tutorials
- Basis for calculation and reasoning, 2021&2022, 1st year, 56h, lectures and tutorials
- Mathematics for Life Sciences, 2021, 1st year, 34h, tutorials
Teaching assistant at the University of Lille
- Algebra, 2020, 1st year, 24h, tutorials
- Analysis for Life Sciences, 2019, 1st year, 40h, lectures and tutorials
Last update : december 2023.