1983: birth. |
2002-2006: student at École Normale
Supérieure de Lyon. |
2008: Ph.D. thesis (École Normale
Supérieure de Lyon, supervisor: Étienne Ghys). |
2008-2011: L.E. Dickson instructor, University of Chicago. |
2011-2023: chargé de recherche CNRS (junior researcher), working in Strasbourg. |
2015-2018: researcher at UNAM. |
2017: habilitation (University of Strasbourg). |
2021: Guy Ourisson prize (awarded by the Cercle Gutenberg). |
2023-2024: chargé de recherche CNRS (junior researcher), working in Grenoble. |
2024- : directeur de recherche CNRS (senior researcher), working in Grenoble. |