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Modify an element in a list : subsop

subsop modifies an element in a list. subsop takes as argument a list and an equality (an index=a new value) in all syntax modes, but in Maple syntax mode the order of the arguments is reversed.
Remark If the second argument is 'k=NULL', the element of index k is removed of the list.
Input in Xcas mode (the index of the first element is 0) :
Or :
Output :
Input in Xcas mode (the index of the first element is 0) :
Output :

Input in Mupad TI mode (the index of the first element is 1) :

Or :
Output :
In Maple mode the arguments are permuted and the index of the first element is 1.
Input :
Or :
Output :

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suivant: Transform a list into monter: Lists and vectors précédent: Permuted list from its   Table des matières   Index
giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse