Matilde Maccan
Matilde Maccan

I am a postdoc in the group of Christian Lehn, at Ruhr University Bochum, since June 2024. Before, I was a PhD student in IRMAR (University of Rennes) and Institut Fourier (University of Grenoble Alpes), under the supervision of Michel Brion and Matthieu Romagny.

My research is mainly on algebraic group schemes over fields of positive characteristic.
Related subjects I am interested in are birational geometry and representation theory of reductive groups.

My first projects were about classifying non-reduced parabolic subgroups in small characteristics and on the study of isotrivial elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic.
Here is my CV (updated in April 2024).


Isotrivial elliptic surfaces in positive characteristics
Preprint at arXiv:2405.11602, joint work with Pascal Fong, submitted.
Parabolic subgroup schemes and homogeneous varieties in small characteristics
PhD thesis.
Parabolic subgroups in characteristics two and three
Preprint at arXiv:2312.00415, submitted.
Projective homogeneous varieties of Picard rank one in small characteristic
Preprint at arXiv:2303.12391, to appear in Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze.
Unipotent algebraic groups over arbitrary fields
Master Thesis, under the supervision of Cinzia Casagrande and Matthieu Romagny.
Upcoming talks

Past talks

Some links


2023-2024 : Cours-TD MAT101 (Langage mathématique, algèbre et géométrie élémentaires)
L1 IMA, Université de Grenoble Alpes (poly du cours)

2021-2023 : TD Algèbre et Géométrie 1
L1 Mathématiques, Université de Rennes (page du cours)


Email: matilde.maccan [at]

Address: IRMAR - UMR CNRS 6625
Université de Rennes
Campus de Beaulieu,
263 avenue du Général Leclerc, 35042 Rennes Cedex
Bâtiment 22, office 621