Showing results 1 through 13 (of 13 total) for au=Demailly 1. math.AG/0405285 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: The pseudo-effective cone of a compact K\"ahler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension Authors: Sébastien Boucksom (Paris), Jean-Pierre Demailly (Grenoble), Mihai Paun (Strasbourg), Thomas Peternell (Bayreuth) Comments: 39 pages Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 14C17; 14C30; 32J27 2. math.AG/0212243 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Line bundles on complex tori and a conjecture of Kodaira Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly, Thomas Eckl, Thomas Peternell Comments: 11 pages Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 32Q15; 32J27 3. math.AG/0208021 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: A Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem on compact Kahler manifolds Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université de Grenoble I, France), Thomas Peternell (Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bayreuth) Comments: 36 pages, Plain-TeX Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Complex Variables MSC-class: 14C30, 14F17, 14J40, 32C17, 32J25 4. math.AG/0105176 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Numerical characterization of the K\"ahler cone of a compact K\"ahler manifold Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France), Mihai Paun (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France) Comments: 27 pages, Plain-TeX (new version: section 5 on deformations added) Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 14C30, 14J45, 32C17, 32C30, 32F07, 32J27 5. math.AG/0006205 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Pseudo-effective line bundles on compact K\"ahler manifolds Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université de Grenoble I, France), Thomas Peternell, Michael Schneider (Universität Bayreuth, Germany) Comments: 49 pages, Plain-TeX, new version offers improved exposition Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 14F05, 14C20, 14C30, 32J25, 32J27 6. math.AG/0004067 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: On the Frobenius integrability of certain holomorphic p-forms Author: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Universite de Grenoble I, France) Comments: 5 pages, Plain-TeX (reason for resubmission: 2 references added) Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 14B05, 14J45, 32C17, 32J25, 32S05 7. math.AG/0002074 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: L^2 Cohomology on coverings of a compact K\"ahler manifold Authors: Frédéric Campana (Université de Nancy I), Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université de Grenoble I) Comments: Plain TeX, 19 pages, written in French Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Complex Variables MSC-class: 14C30, 14E20, 14F17; 32C35, 32J25, 32L20 8. math.AG/0002035 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: A Subadditivity Property of Multiplier Ideals Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly, Lawrence Ein, Robert Lazarsfeld Comments: Dedication reinserted, typos fixed Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Complex Variables 9. math.AG/9910118 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Semi-continuity of complex singularity exponents and K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on Fano orbifolds Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly, János Kollár Comments: 36 pages, Plain-TeX (reason for resubmission: correction of one of the final numerical examples of K\"ahler-Einstein Del Pezzo surfaces; new references added) Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry MSC-class: 14B05, 14J45, 32C17, 32J25, 32S05 10. math.AG/9804129 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Hyperbolicity of Generic Surfaces of High Degree in Projective 3-Space Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly (Université de Grenoble I, Institut Fourier), Jawher El Goul (Université de Toulouse III) Comments: 28 pages, Plain TeX. The 2nd version clarifies somewhat the presentation and improves the explicit bound by a factor 2. Accepted for Publication in American Journal of Mathematics Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Complex Variables MSC-class: 14C30, 32H20 11. math.AG/9607215 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number Authors: Frédéric Campana, Jean-Pierre Demailly, Thomas Peternell Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Complex Variables 12. alg-geom/9410022 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: $L^2$ vanishing theorems for positive line bundles and adjunction theory, Lecture Notes of a CIME course on "Transcendental Methods of Algebraic Geometry" (Cetraro, Italy, July 1994) Author: Jean-Pierre Demailly Comments: 95 pages, plain TeX (huge file: use "cget" instead of "get") Hard copies on request at Reason for resubmission: corrections in S.8 + improvements in S.13 Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry 13. alg-geom/9212001 [abs, ps, pdf, other] : Title: Algebraic approximations of holomorphic maps from Stein domains to projective manifolds Authors: Jean-Pierre Demailly, Laszlo Lempert, Bernard Shiffman Comments: 32 pages, plain-TeX Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry