) is reduced to a purely algebraic problem.
The first observation is that J((p) is easily calculated if ip = J2 aj l°g \dj\ where Dj = 571(0) are smooth irreducible divisors with normal crossings. Then J{dv<+?.
j u
Since the gj can be taken as coordinate functions in suitable local coordinate systems (zi,... , zn), the integrability condition is that h is divisible by Yi 9j ', where m,j - aj > -1 for each j, i.e. m,j > [ctj\ (where |_ J denotes the integral part). Consequently
- X of X such that /x*-3 is an invertible sheaf 0(-D) associated to a divisor with normal crossings D = J2 ^jDj, where (Dj) are the components of the exceptional divisor of X. (Consider the blow-up X' of X along the ideal 0, so that the inverse image of 3 on X' becomes an invertible sheaf O(-D'), then blow-up X' again so as to render X' smooth and D' with normal crossings, by invoking Hironaka [Hi64].) We then have Kx =
fj,*Kx + R where R = "^ZpjDj is the divisor of zeros of the jacobian JM of the blow-up map. From the direct image formula 15.5, we deduce
Indication. By using Parseval's formula and polar coordinates Zj = rje1®', show that the problem is equivalent to determining for which p-tuples (/3i,... , fip) ¤ W the integral
f r21^---r2/*r1dr1---rpdrp = f t[Pl+1)/ai - - .t{f*+1)/a* dh dtp
J[o,i]v r2ai +??? + r2pap J[o,i]p h+--- + tp h tp
is convergent. Deduce from this that J(
1- (This exercise shows that the analytic definition of
J((f) is also sometimes very convenient for calculations). ?
Let E be a line bundle over X with a given singular metric h with curvature current Qh(E). If
ecu. Then
Hq [X, 0{KX +E)® J{h)) = 0 for all q > 1.
Proof. Let Cq be the sheaf of germs of (n,g)-forms u with values in E and with measurable coefficients, for which |u|2e-2^ and \d"u\2e~'2,p are simultaneously locally integrable. The operator d" defines a complex of sheaves (£',d") which is a resolution of the sheaf 0(Kx + E) J(f): Indeed, the kernel of d" in degree 0 consists of the germs of holomorphic n-forms with values in E which satisfy the integrability condition. Therefore the coefficient function belongs to J(f), and the exactness at degree q > 1 arises from Corollary 14.3 applied to arbitrary small balls. Since each sheaf Cq is a C^-module, C is a resolution by acyclic sheaves. Let ip
be a C°° psh exhaustion function on X. We apply Corollary 14.3 globally on X,
with the initial metric of E multiplied by the factor e~x°^, where \ is an increasing
convex function of arbitrary growth at infinity. This factor can be used to ensure
convergence of integrals at infinity. From Corollary 14.3, we then deduce that
Hq(T(X, £*)) = 0 for q > 1. The theorem follows by virtue of the de Rham-Weil
Isomorphism Theorem (1.2). ?
15.9. Corollary. Let (X,ui), E and
- J(ip) ->- Ox ->- Ox/J(f) ->- 0, twisted by 0(KX + E), and
apply Theorem 15.8 to obtain the vanishing of the first group H1. The stated
surjective property follows. ?
15.10. Corollary. Let (X,ui), E and
n + s at a given point x £ X for
which v(
depending only on L and N such that for any s £ N, the group H°(X, G(mL)) gen
erates the jets of order s at any point Xj, for m > as + b.
Indication. Apply Corollary 15.9 to E = -Kx +mL, with a singular metric on L of the form h = hoe~e^, where ho is C°° with positive curvature, e > 0 small, and ip{z) ~ log 12; - Xj\ in a neighbourhood of Xj. Deduce from this the Kodaira embedding theorem:
15.12. Kodaira Embedding Theorem. If L is a line bundle on a compact
complex manifold, then L is ample if and only if L is positive. ?
An equivalent way to state the Kodaira embedding theorem is the following:
15.13. Kodaira criterion for projectivity. A compact complex manifold
X is projective algebraic if and only if X contains a Hodge metric. That is, a
Kahler metric with integral cohomology class.
Proof. If X C F^ is projective algebraic, then the restriction of the Fubini-Study metric to X is a Hodge metric. Conversely, if X has a Hodge metric uj, the cohomology class representative {uj} in H2(X, Z) defines a complex topological (i.e. C°°) line bundle, say L. Since uj is of type (1,1), the exponential exact sequence (8.20)
H^X^Ox) -> ff2(AT,Z)-> H2(X,0) = H°>2(X,C) shows that the line bundle L can be represented by a cocycle in i71(X, O^). In other words, L is endowed with a complex structure. Moreover, there exists a Hermitian metric h on L such that ^-©^(L) = w. Consequently, L is ample and X is projective algebraic.
15.14. Exercise (Riemann conditions characterizing Abelian varieties). A
complex torus X = Cn /T is called an Abelian variety if X is projective algebraic.
Show by using (15.13) that a torus X is an Abelian variety if and only if there
exists a positive definite Hermitian form H on C? such that Im #(71,72) G Z for
all 71,72 in the lattice T.
Indication. Use a process of averaging to reduce the proof to the case of Kahler metric invariant by translations. Observe that the real torus Z71 + Z72 defines a system of generators of the homology group H2(X, Z) and that Jz +z w =
15.15. Exercise (solution of the Levi problem). Show that the following two
properties are equivalent.
(rr)X is strongly pseudoconvex, i.e. X admits a strongly psh exhaustion function.
(ss)AT is a Stein, i.e. the global holomorphic functions separate points, furnishing a system of local coordinates at every point, and X is holomorphically convex. (By definition, this means that for any discrete sequence (zv) in X, there exists a function / £ H°(X, Ox) such that \f{zv)\ ->- 00.) ?
15.16. Remark. As long as one is interested only in the case of forms of
bidegree (n, q),n = dimX, the L2 estimates extend to the complex spaces acquiring
arbitrary singularities. Indeed, if X is a complex space and tp a psh weight function
on X, one can still define a sheaf Kx(ip) on X, such that the sections of Kx((p)
on an open set U are the holomorphic n-forms / on the regular part U fl Xleg,
satisfying the integrability condition i? / A fe~2v £ L\oc(U). In this context, the
functorial property 15.5 can be written (or is written)
H*(Kx<((pon)) = Kx(f),
and it is valid for arbitrary complex spaces X, X', jjl : X' -> X being a modification.
If X is non-singular, one has Kx(f) = 0{KX) ® J{y>), however, if X is singular,
the symbols Kx and J(f) do not have to be dissociated. The statement of the
Nadel vanishing theorem becomes Hq(X, O(E) ® Kx(ip)) = 0 for q > 1, under the
same hypothesis (X Kahler and weakly pseudoconvex, curvature of E > eui). The
proof is obtained by restricting all the situations to Xleg. Although in general Xreg
is not weakly pseudoconvex (a necessary condition being codimXs;ng = 1), Xreg
is always Kahlerian complete (the complement of an analytic subset in a weakly
pseudoconvex Kahler space is Kahlerian complete, see for example [Dem82]). As a
consequence, the Nadel vanishing theorem is essentially insensitive to the presence
of singularities. ?
We now deduce an algebraic version of the Nadel vanishing theorem obtained independently by Kawamata [Kaw82] and Viehweg [Vie82]. (The original proof relies on a different method using cyclic coverings to reduce to the case situation of the ordinary Kodaira Theorem.) Before stating the theorem, we need a definition.
15.17. Definition. A line bundle L on a compact complex manifold is called
large if its Kodaira dimension is equal to n = dim AT, that is, if there exists a
constant c > 0 such that
dimH0(X,O(kL)) >ckn, k > k0.
15.18. Definition. A line bundle L on a projective algebraic manifold is
called numerically effective (nef for short) if L satisfies one of the following three
equivalent properties:
(tt)For any irreducible algebraic curve C C X, one has L ? C = fc c\(L) > 0.
(uu)If A is an ample line bundle, then kL + A is ample for all k > 0.
(vv)For any e > 0, there exists a C°° Hermitian metric ht on L such that 0^s(L) > -euj, where w is a fixed Hermitian metric on X.
The equivalence of properties 15.18 a) and b) is well-known and we will omit it here (see for example Hartshorne [Har70] for the proof). It is clear in addition that 15.18 c) implies 15.18 a), while 15.18 b) implies 15.18 c). Indeed if oj = ^Q{A) is the curvature of a metric of A with positive curvature, and if hk is a metric on L inducing a metric with positive curvature on kL + A, it becomes k-^-Q(L) + ^Q(A) > 0, where ^Q(L) > -\u. Now, if D = J2aJDJ > 0 is an effective Q-divisor, we define the multiplier ideal sheaf J{D) to be the sheaf J((f) associated to the psh function tp = ^Q!jlog|<7j| defined by the generators gj of O(-Dj). According to remark 15.6, the calculation of J{D) can be done algebraically by making use of desingularizations [i : X -> X such that fj,*D becomes a divisor with normal crossings on X.
15.19. Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing Theorem. Let X be a projective
algebraic manifold, and let F be a line bundle on X such that a multiple mF of F
can be written in the form mF = L + D, where L is a nef and large line bundle,
and D an effective divisor. Then
Hq(X,O(Kx + F)(g>J(m-1D))=0 for q > 1.
15.20. Corollary. If F is nef and large, then H«(X,0(Kx + F)) = 0 for
Proof. Let A be a non-singular very ample divisor. There is an exact sequence
0 -»? H°(X, 0(kL - A)) -»? H°(X, O(kL)) -> H°(A, O(kL) ]A),
and dim H0{A,O(kL)\A) < Cfcn_1 for a certain constant C > 0. Since L is large, there exists an integer fc0 ^> 0 such that 0{k§L - A) has a non-trivial section. If E is the divisor of this section, we have 0(koL - A) ~ O(E), therefore O(koL) ~ 0(A + E). Now, for k > k0, we arrive at O(kL) = O((k-k0)L + A + E). According to 15.18 b), the line bundle 0((k - ko)L + A) is ample, therefore it comes with a C°° Hermitian metric hk = e~'fik, and with positive definite curvature form ujk = j-@((k - ko)L + A). Let 1. ?
16. On the conjecture of Fujita
Given an ample line bundle L, a fundamental question is of determining an effective integer mo such that mL is very ample for m > mo. The example where X is a hyperelliptic curve of genus g and where L = G(p) is associated to one of the 2g+2 Weierstrass points, shows that mo must be at least equal to 2g+l (additionally it is checked rather easily that mo = 2g+1 always answers the question for a curve). It follows from this that mo must necessarily depend on the geometry of X, and cannot depend only on the dimension of X. However, when mL is replaced by the "adjoint" line bundle Kx + mL, a simple universal answer seems likely to emerge.
16.1. Fujita's conjecture ([Fuj87]). If L is an ample line bundle on a projective manifold of dimension n, then i) Kx + (n + 1)L is generated by its global sections; ii) Kx + (n + 2)L is very ample.
The bounds predicted by the conjecture are optimal for (X,L) = (F",C(1)), since in this case Kx = 0(-n - 1). The conjecture is easy to verify in the case of curves (exercise!), and I. Reider [Rei88] has solved the conjecture in the affirmative in the case n = 2. Ein-Lazarsfeld [EL93] and Fujita [Fuj93] arrived at establishing part i) in dimension 3, and a very thorough refinement of their technique allowed Kawamata [Kaw95] to also arrive at the case of dimension 41. The other cases of the conjecture, namely i) for n > 5 and ii) for n > 3, remain for the time being unsolved. The first step in the direction of this conjecture for arbitrary dimension n has been realized in 1991 (work published 2 years later in [Dem93]), by means of an analytic method relying on a resolution of a Monge-Ampere equation. Similar results were obtained by Kollar [Kol92] employing entirely algebraic
1The technique of Fujita [Fuj93] and Kawamata [Kaw95] has just been simplified considerably and clarified by S. Helmke [Hel96].
methods. We refer to [Laz93] for an excellent article devoted to the synthesis of these developments, as well as [Dem94] for the analytic version of the theory.
This section is devoted to the proof of some results dependent on Kujita's conjecture in arbitrary dimension. The principal ideas of interest here are inspired by some recent work of Y.T. Siu [Siu96]. Siu's method, which is naturally algebraic and relatively elementary, consists of combining the Riemann-Roch formula with the Kawamata-Viehmeg vanishing theorem (however, it will be much more convenient to use this Nadel's formulation of the theorem, using the multiplier ideal sheaves). Subsequently, X will denote a projective algebraic manifold of dimension n. The first useful observation is the following classical consequence of the Riemann-Roch formula:
16.2. Particular case of the Riemann-Roch formula. Let 3 C Ox be a
coherent sheaf of ideals on X such that the variety of zeros V(3) is of dimension
d (with possibly some components of lower dimension). Let Y = J2 ^j^j be the
effective algebraic cycle of dimension d associated to the components of dimension
d of y(0) (the multiplicities Xj taking into account the multiplicity of the length
of the ideal 3 along each component). Then, for any line bundle E, the Euler
characteristic x(X, 0(E + niL) Ox/0{Z)) is a polynomial P(m) of degree d and
with leading coefficient Ld ? Y/dl ?
The second useful fact is an elementary lemma concerning the numerical polynomials (polynomials with rational coefficients, defining a map of Z into Z).
16.3. Lemma. Let P(m) be a numerical polynomial of degree d > 0 and with
leading coefficient aa/d\, ad £ Z, ad > 0. We assume that P(m) > 0 for all
m > rriQ. Then
(ww)For all N > 0, there exists m £ [mo, mo + Nd] such that P(m) > N.
(xx)For all k £ N, there exists m £ [mo, mo + kd] such that P(m) > a(ikd/2d~1.
(yy)For all N > 2d2, there exists m £ [mo, mo + N] such that P(m) > N.
PROOF, a) Each one of the N equations P(m) = 0, P(m) = 1,... , P(m) = N - l has at most d roots, therefore there is necessarily an integer m ¤ [mo, nio+dN] which is not a root of these equations.
b) By virtue of Newton's formula for the iterated differences AP(m) = P(m + 1) - P(m), we obtain
AdP(m) = J2 (-l)j(d.)p(m + d-j) = ad, Vm G Z.
whereby we obtain the existence of an integer m £ [mo, mo + d] with P(m) > ac{/2d~1. The result is therefore proven for k = 1. In the general case, we apply this particular result to the polynomial Q(m) = P(km - (k - l)mo), for which the leading coefficient is a,dkd/d\
c) If d = 1, part a) already gives the result. If d = 2, a glance at the parabola shows that
f a2N2/8 if N is even,
max P(m) > { , "
m¤[m0,m0+N] ~ { a2(N2 - l)/8 if N is odd;
therefore maxmG[m0imo+Ar] P(m) > N whenever N > 8. If 3, we apply b) with k equal to the smallest integer satisfying kd/2d~1 > N, i.e. k = |~2(7V/2)1/d], where \x\ £ Z denotes the greater integer. Then
kd< (2(N/2)1/d + l)d 2d2, as one sees after a short calculation. ?
We now apply the Nadel vanishing theorem in an analogous way to that of Siu [Siu96], with some simplifications in the technique and some improvements for the bounds. Their method simultaneously gives a simple proof of a fundamental classical result due to Fujita.
16.4. Theorem (Fujita). If L is an ample line bundle on a projective manifold
X of dimension n, then Kx + (n + 1)L is nef.
Using the theory of Mori and the "base point free theorem" ([Mor82], [Kaw84]), one can show in fact that Kx + (n + 1)L is semi-ample, and that there exists a positive integer m such that m(Kx + (n + 1)L) is generated by its sections (see [Kaw85] and [Fuj87]). The proof is based on the observation that n + 1 is the maximum length of the extremal rays of smooth projective varieties of dimension n. Their proof of (16.4) is different and was obtained at the same time as the proof of th. (16.5) below.
16.5. Theorem. Let L be an ample line bundle and let G be a nef line bundle
over a projective manifold X of dimension n. Then the following properties hold.
a) 2Kx + mL + G simultaneously generates the jets of order s±,... , sp £ N at
arbitrary points x±,... ,xp £ X, i.e., there exists a surjective map
H0(X,O(2Kx+mL + G))^ 0 0(2KX + mL + G) ® Ox,Xj/m^x],
i2 + E1 2 + ( "^ ).
b) 2Kx + (n + 1)L + G simultaneously generates the jets of order s\,... , sp at
arbitrary points x±,... ,xp £ X so long as the intersection numbers Ld ? Y of
L on all the algebraic subsets Y of X of dimension d are such that
rd Y^ ^ V f3n + 2Si-l\
Ln/dJ'^A » /
Proof. The proofs of (16.4) and (16.5a, b) are completely parallel, that is why we will present them simultaneously (in the case of (16.4), it is simply agreed that {xi,... ,xp} = 0). The idea is to find an integer (or a rational number) mo and a singular Hermitian metric ho on Kx + m^L for which the curvature current is strictly positive, 0/jo > euj, such that V(J(ho)) is of dimension 0 and such that the weight ipo of ho satisfies v( n + Sj for all j. Since L and G are
nefs, 15.18 c) implies that (m - rrio)L + G has for all m > mo a metric b! for which the curvature 0/j< has an arbitrarily small negative part, say 0/^ > - |w. Then O/j0 + 0^- > |w is positive definite. An application of Cor. 15.9 to F = Kx + mL + G = (Kx + m^L) + ((m - mo)L + G) with metric ho <8> h' guarantees the existence of sections of Kx + F = 2Kx + mL + G producing the desired jets for m > mo.
Fix an embedding $|ml| : X -> FN, /i^> 0, given by the sections Ao,... , Xn G H0(X,/j,L), and let h^ be the associated metric on L, with positive definite curvature form ui = &(L). To obtain the desired metric ho on Kx + moL, one fixes an integer a £ W and one uses a process of double induction to construct singular metrics {hk,v)v>\ on aKx + bkL, for a decreasing sequence of positive integers b\ > &2 > - - - > bk > - ? - ? Such a sequence is necessarily stationary and mo will be precisely the stationary limit mo = limbk/a. The metrics hk,v are chosen to be the type that satisfy the following properties: o) hu,v is an "algebraic" metric of the form
\\^\\hk,v | (a+l)/i/ aii _ x(a+l)6*-amis|2u/(a+i)M'
\2^1- 7fc(£) is an arbitrary local trivialization of aKx + bkL. Observe that (a + l)(n + Sj) for all i,j;
l) J(hk,v+i) 3 J(hk,v) and J(hk,v+i) ^ J(hk,v) as long as the variety of zeros
V{J{hk,v)) is positive dimensional.
The weighty = j^logZ\Tia+1>( 1, therefore the difference ipk,v - 2(a+i)u 1°§S lr(Aj')|2 1S &lso plurisubharmonic. Consequently ~i^®hk^{a-Kx + bkL) = ±d'd"ipk,v > T^hrw. Moreover, condition /?) clearly implies that v{tpk,v,Xj) > a(n + Sj). Finally, condition 7) combined with the strong Noetherian property of coherent sheaves guarantees that the sequence (hk,i>)i>>i will eventually produce a subscheme V(J(hk,v)) of dimension 0. One can check that the sequence (hk,v)v>\ terminates at this point, and we set hk = hk,v to be the final metric thus reached, such that dimV(J(hk)) = 0.
For k = 1, it is clear that the desired metrics (/ii,")">i exist if b\ is chosen large enough. (For example, such that (a + \)Kx + (&i - 1)£ generates the jets of order (a + l)(n + max Sj) at every point. Then the sections <7i,... ,ov can be chosen such that mi = ? ? ? = mv = b\ - 1.) We assume that the metrics {hk,v)v>i and hk are already constructed, and proceed with the construction of (hk+i,v)v>i-We use again induction on 1/, and assume that hk+\,v is already constructed and that dimV(J(hk+i,v)) > 0. We begin our induction with v = 0, and let us declare in this case that J(hk+i,o) = 0 (this corresponds to an infinite metric of weight identically equal to -00). By virtue of the Nadel vanishing theorem applied to Fm = aKx +mL= (aKx + bkL) + (m - bk)L for the metric hk ® {hL)®m-bk, we
Hq(X,0((a + 1)KX + mL) ® J(hk)) =0 for q > l,m>bk.
Since V(J(hkj) is of dimension 0, the sheaf Ox/J{hk) is a skyscraper sheaf and the exact sequence 0 -> J(hk) ->- Ox ->- Ox I' J{hk) -> 0 twisted by the invertible sheaf 0((a + l)Kx + mL) shows that
Hq(X, 0((a + \)KX + mL)) = 0 for q > 1, m > bk.
Analogously, we find
H"(X, 0((a + \)KX + mL) ® J(hk+hv)) =0 for q > 1, m > bk+1
(it is therefore true for v = 0, since J{hk+i^) = 0), and when
m > max(&fc,&fc+i) = &<.,
the exact sequence 0 -> J(hk+i^) ->- Ox ->- Ox/J{hk+i,v) ->- 0 implies
ff«(X, C((a + 1)2^ + mL) Ox/J(hk+1,v)) =0 for g > 1, m > 6*.
In particular, since the group H1 above is zero, any section u' of (a + l)Kx + mL on the sub-scheme V(J(hk+i^j) has an extension u to X. Fix a basis u'ly... ,u'N of sections of this sheaf on V{J{hk+-\_,")) and take arbitrary extensions u\,... , un to X. Consider the linear map allotting to each section aonl the collection of jets of order (a + l)(n + Sj) - 1 at the points Xj, i.e.
«= e oi«ii->©4rl)(B+'i)_l(u)-
l 0, m > bk.
The polynomial P is of degree d = dimV(J(hk+i^j) > 0. We therefore obtain the existence of an integer m £ [bk, bk + rj\ such that N = P(m) > S + 1, for some explicit integer tjER (For example, rj = n(5 + 1) is always appropriate according to (16.3 a), but it will be equally important to use the other possibilities to optimize the choices.) We then find a section av+i G H°(X, (a + l)Kx + mL) having a non-trivial restriction a'v+1 to V(J(hk+\^)), vanishing to order > (a + l)(n + Sj) at each point Xj. Now set mv+i = m, and the condition m"+i < s^bkjr\ is realized if bk + j] < ^^Hfc-i-i. This shows that one can choose recursively
a ,i \
By definition, hk+i,v < hk+i,v, therefore J{hk+i,v+i) 3 J{hk+i,v)- It is the case that J(hk+i,v+i) ¥" J{hk+i,v), because J(hk+i,v+i) contains the sheaf of ideals associated to the divisor of zeros of cr"+i, whereas cr"+i is not identically zero on V(J(hk+i,v))- Now, an easy calculation shows that the iterated sequence bk+i = L^+r(^fc + *7)J + 1 stabilizes to the limit value bk = a(rj + 1) + 1, for any initial value b\ greater than this limit. In this way, we obtain a metric /loo with positive definite curvature on aKx + (a(rj + 1) + 1)L, such that dim V(J(hoo)) = 0 and v(tfioo,Xj) > a(n + sj) at each point Xj.
Proof of (16.4). In this case, the set {xj} is taken to be the empty set, therefore 6 = 0. By virtue of (16.3 a), the condition P(m) > 1 is realized for at least one integer m ¤ [bk, bk + n], therefore one can take rj = n. Since jjlL is very ample, [iL has a metric having an isolated logarithmic pole of Lelong number 1 at each given point (for example, the algebraic metric defined by the sections of jjlL vanishing at xq). Therefore
F'a = aKx + (a(n + 1) + l)L + n/iL
has a metric h'a such that V(J(h'a)) is of dimension zero and contains {xo}. By virtue of Cor. (15.9), we conclude that
Kx + F'a = (a + 1)KX + (a(n + 1) + 1 + n/j,)L
is generated by its sections, in particular Kx + +av^ +"ML is nef. By letting a
tend to +oo, we deduce that Kx + (n + 1)L is nef. D
PROOF of (16.5 a). It suffices here to choose a = 1. Then
_ y^ (3n + 2sj - 1
~ ^ \ n
i (3nn_1) + 1 > 2n2 for n > 2. Lemma (16.3 c) shows that P(m) > 6 + 1 for at least one m £ [bk, bk + rj\ with rj = 6 + 1. We begin the induction procedure k i->- k + 1 with bi=rj + l = 5 + 2, because the only necessary property for the induction step is the vanishing property
Hq(X,2Kx+mL) = 0 for q > 1, m > h,
which is realized according to Kodaira's vanishing theorem and the ampleness prop
erty of Kx + b\L. (We use here the result of Fujita (16.4), by observing that
bi > n+1.) The recursive formula bk+i = [t; (bk+7])\+l then gives bk = rj+1 = (5+2
for all k, and (16.5 a) follows. ?
Proof of (16.5 b). Completely similar to (16.5 a), except that we choose rj = n, a = 1 and bk = n + 1 for all k. By applying Lemma (16.3 b), we have P(m) > a,dkd/2d~1 for at least one integer m £ [mo,mo + kd\, where ad > 0 is the leading degree coefficient of P. By virtue of Lemma (16.2), we have aa > infdimy=did - Y. Take k = [n/d\. The condition P(m) > S + 1 can then be realized for an integer m £ [mo, mo + kd\ C [mo, mo + n], provided that
inf Ld-Y[n/d\d/2d-1 > 5,
that which is equivalent to the condition in (16.5 b).
The big disadvantage of the described technique is that one must necessarily utilize multiples of L to avoid the zeros of the Hilbert polynomial, in particular it is not possible to directly obtain a criterion of large ampleness for 2Kx + L in the statement of (16.5 b). Such a criterion can nevertheless be obtained with the aid of the following elementary lemma.
16.6. Lemma. Suppose that there exists an integer n £ N* such that jjlF
simultaneously generates all the jets of order fi(n + Sj) + 1 at every point Xj of a
subset {xi,... ,xp} C X. Then Kx + F simultaneously generates all the jets of
order Sj at the point Xj.
Proof. Choose the algebraic metric on F defined by a basis oi,... , unchanged everywhere else (this is possible by taking C > 0 suf
ficiently large). Then ip'(z) = \z\'2 - C + (n + Sj) log \z - Xj\ in a neighbourhood
of Xj, in particular cp1 is strictly plurisubharmonic near Xj. In this way, we obtain
a metric h' on F with semi-positive curvature everywhere on X, and has positive
definite curvature in a neighbourhood of {x\,... ,xp}. The resulting conclusion
then is a direct application of the L2 estimates (14.2). ?
16.7. Theorem. Let X be a projective manifold of dimension n and L an
ample line bundle on X. Then 2Kx + L simultaneously generates the jets of order
si,... , sp at arbitrary points xi,... ,xp £ X so long as the intersection numbers
Ld -Y of L on all the algebraic subsets Y C X of dimension d satisfy
^->i^ie(("+i,<4"+;"+i)-2). ><-«-»?
Proof. Lemma (16.6) applied with F = Kx + L and [/, = n + 1 shows that the desired property for the jets of 2Kx + L occurs if (n + l)(Kx + L) generates the jets of order (n + l)(n + Sj) + 1 at the points Xj. Lemma (16.6) applied again with F = pKx + (n + 1)L and n = 1 shows by descending induction on p that it suffices that F generates all the jets of order (n + l)(n + Sj) + 1 + (n + 1 - p)(n + 1) at the points Xj. In particular, for 2Kx + (n + 1)L it suffices to obtain all the jets of order (n + l)(2n + Sj - 1) + 1. Th. (16.5 b) then gives the desired condition. ?
We conclude by mentioning some immediate consequences of th. 16.5, obtained by taking L = ±Kx-
(zz)Corollary. Let X be a projective manifold of general type, with Kx ample and dimX = n. Then mKx is very ample for m > mo = ( ?+ ) + 4.
(aaa)Corollary. Let X be a Fano variety (that is, a projective manifold such that -Kx is ample), of dimension n. Then -mKx is very ample for m >
17. An effective version of Matsusaka's big theorem
We encounter here the problem of finding an explicit integer mo such that mL is very ample for m > mo. The existence of such a bound mo, depending only on the dimension and the coefficients of the Hilbert polynomial of L, was first established by Matsusaka [Mat72]. Further Kollar and Matsusaka [KoM83] have shown that one could indeed find a bound mo = mo(n,Ln,Kx ? Ln~l) dependent only on n = dimX and on the first two coefficients. Recently, Siu [Siu93] has obtained an effective version of the same result furnishing an explicit "reasonable" bound mo (although this bound is unfortunately still far from being optimal). We explain here the method of Siu, starting from some simplifications and improvements suggested in [Dem96]. The starting point is the following lemma.
17.1. Lemma. Let F andG be nef line bundles on X. If Fn > nFn~x -G, then
any positive multiple k(F - G) admits a non-trivial section for k > ko sufficiently
Proof. The lemma can be proven as a special case of the holomorphic Morse inequalities (see [Dem85], [Tra91], [Siu93], [Ang95]). We give here a simple proof, following a suggestion of F. Catanese. We can assume that F and G are very ample (if not, it suffices to replace F and G by F' = pF + A and G' = pG + A with A very ample and sufficiently positive to ensure large ampleness of any sum with an nef bundle, then to choose p > 0 large enough for which F' and G' satisfy the same
numerical hypothesis as F andG). Then 0{k{F-G)) ~ 0{kF-Gi Gk) for
arbitrary elements G\,... ,Gk of the linear system \G\. If we choose such elements
Gj in general position, the lemma follows from the Riemann-Roch formula applied
to the restriction morphism H°(X, O(kF)) -> 0 H0{GJ7O{kF^Gj). ?
17.2. Corollary. Let F andG be nef line bundles over X. If F is big and if
m > nFn~l ? GIFn, then 0(mF - G) can be given a (possibly singular) Hermitian
metric h, having a positive definite curvature form, i.e. such that 0(,(mF - G) >
eui, e > 0, for a Kdhler metric ui.
Proof. In fact, if A is ample and e ¤ Q+ is small enough, Lemma (17.1)
implies that a certain multiple k(mF - G - eA) admits a section. Let E be the
divisor of this section and let u = Q(A) £ c\{A) be a Kahler metric representing
the curvature form of A. Then mF - G = eA + jE can be given a singular metric
h with curvature form 0/,(mF - G) = e@(A) + j[E] > ew. D
We now consider the problem of obtaining a non-trivial section of mL. The idea of [Siu93] is to obtain a more general criterion for the ampleness of mL - B when B is nef. In this way, we will be able to subtract from mL any undesired multiple of Kx that would be added to L, by application of the Nadel Vanishing Theorem (for this, we simply replace B, by B plus a multiple of Kx + (n + 1)£).
17.3. Proposition. Let L be an ample line bundle on a projective manifold
X of dimension n, and let B be an nef line bundle on X. Then Kx + mL - B
admits a non-zero section for an integer m satisfying
m < n hn+1
Proof. Let mo be the smaller integer > nL L"'B? Then m^L - B can be given a singular Hermitian metric h with positive definite curvature. By virtue of the Nadel vanishing theorem, we obtain
Hq{X,O{Kx+mL-B)®J{h))=0 for q > 1,
therefore P(m) = h°(X, 0(Kx + mL - B) J{h)) is a polynomial for m > mo-Since P is a polynomial of degree n which is not identically zero, there exists an integer m £ [mo,mo + n] which is not a root. Therefore there exists a non-trivial section of
H°(X, 0{KX +mL- B)) D H°(X, 0{KX + mL - B) ® J{h))
for some m ¤ [mo,mo + n], as stated. ?
17.4. Corollary. If L is ample and B is nef then mL - B has a non-zero
section for at least one integer
, L?-1 - B + Ln~l ? Kx
m < n\ hn + 1
Proof. According to the result of Fujita (16.4), Kx + (n + l)L is nef. We
can therefore replace B by B + Kx + (n + 1)L in Prop. (17.3). Corollary (17.4)
follows. ?
17.5. Remark. We do not know if the bound obtained in the above corollary
is optimal, but it is certainly not very far from being it. Indeed, even for B = 0, the
multiplicative factor n cannot be replaced by a number smaller than n/2. To see
this, take for example for X a product C\ x - - - x Cn of curves Cj of large enough
genus gj, and L = 0(ai[pi]) ® - - - ® 0(an[pn]), B = 0. Our sufficient condition
so that \mL\ ^ 0 becomes in this case m < J2(^9j ~ ^)/aj + n(n + 1)> while for a
generic choice of pj the bundle mL admits sections only if maj > gj for all j. The
inaccuracy of our inequality thus plays more on one multiplicative factor 2 when
ai = - - - = an = 1 and g\ ^> g^ S> - - - S> gn ->- +00. In addition, the additive
constant n + 1 is already the best possible when B = 0 and X = F?. ?
Up to this point, the method was not really sensitive to the presence of singularities (Lemma (17.1) is still true in the singular case as is easily seen by passing to a desingularization of X). In the same way, as we observed with remark (15.16), the Nadel vanishing theorem still remains essentially valid. Prop. (17.3) can then be generalized as follows:
17.6. Proposition. Let L be an ample line bundle on a projective manifold X
of dimension n, and let B be an nef line bundle on X. For any (reduced) algebraic
subvariety Y of X of dimension p, there exists an integer
? < P-LP Y h p + 1
such that the sheaf toy <8> Oy{mL - B) has a non-zero section. ?
By applying a suitable induction procedure relying on the results above, we can now improve the effective bound obtained by Siu [Siu93] for Matsusaka's big theorem. Our statement will depend on the choice of a constant A" such that
m(Kx + (n + 2)L) + G is very ample for m > A" and all nef line bundles G. Theorem (0.2 c) shows that A" < (3n+1) - 2n (a more elaborate argument concerning the recent results of Angehrn-Siu [AS94] allows us in fact to see that A" < n3-ri2-n-l for n > 2). Of course, one expects with this that A" = 1 for all n, if one believes that the conjecture of Fujita is true.
17.7. Effective version of Matsusaka's Big Theorem. Let L and B be nef line bundles on a projective manifold X of dimension n. Assume that L is ample and let H = Xn(Kx + (n + 2)L). Then mL - B is very ample for
f3n-1_1)/2(L"-1-(^ + H))^""^1)/2^"-1 - #)3"-2(»/2-3/4)-l/4
(Xn)3"-2(n/2-l/4) + l/4
In particular mL is very ample for
, Jn-X K x 3"-2(n/2+3/4) + l/4
m>Cn(L"rn-2[n + 2+L LnKx
with Cn = (2n)(3""1-1)/2(A")3""2(«/2+3/4)+1/4.
Proof. We utilize Th. (3.1) and Prop. (17.6) to construct by induction a sequence of algebraic subvarieties (not necessarily irreducible) X = Yn D Yn-\ 3 - - - D Y2 D Y\ such that Yp = UjYpj is of dimension p, Yp-\ being obtained for each p > 2 as the union of the set of zeros of the sections
for suitable integers mpj > 1. We proceed by induction on the decreasing values of the dimension p, and we seek to obtain with each step an upper bound mp for the integer mpj.
By virtue of Cor. (17.4), we can find an integer mn such that mnL - B admits a non-trivial section an for
L"-1 -(B + Kx + (n + 1)L) L"-1 ? (B + H)
m" < n < n-
Ln ~ Ln
Now suppose that the sections an,... , crp+i,j have already been constructed. One then obtains by induction a p-cycle Yp = ^2/J>P,jYpj defined by Yp = sum of the divisors of zeros of the sections crp+i,j on the components Yp+ij, where the multiplicity fipj of Ypj C Yp+itk is obtained by multiplying the corresponding multiplicity nP+i,k by the order of vanishing of crp+i,k along Ypj. We obtain the equality of cohomology classes
Yp = ^2(mp+1,kL - B) ? (pp+i^Yp+i^k) < mp+1L ? Yp+1.
By induction, we then obtain the numerical inequality
Yp < mp+1 ???mnLn~p.
Now, for each component Ypj, Prop. (17.6) shows that there exists a section of wyp . ® Oyp j (mpjL - B) for a certain integer
U>-~l . B . Y ?
mpj < p -- + p + 1 < pmp+1 ? ? ? mnLn~l -B+p+1.
We have used here the obvious lower bound Lp~x ? Yp^q > 1 (this bound is besides undoubtly one of weak points of the method...). The degree Yv,q by comparison to H admits the upper bound
SPij := Hp ? YpJ < mp+1 ? ? ? mnHp ? Ln~p.
The Hovanski-Teissier concavity inequality gives
(Ln~p -Hp)p(L")1"p OypJ (mpjL - B) already constructed, we obtain a section of Oypd(mVjL - B + (Spj - p - 2)H) on Ypj. We do not want H appearing at this stage, which is why we will replace B by B + (Sp^q-p - 2)H. We obtain then a section apj of Oypj(mpjL - B) for a certain integer mpj such that
mpj < pmp+i ? ? ? mnLn~x ? (B + (Spj - p - 2)H) + p + 1
< pnip+1 ? - ? mnSpjLn~ ? (B + H)
< p(mp+1 ? ? ? mnf{ J L"-1 -(B + H).
Consequently, by setting m = nLn~x -(B + H), we obtain the descending inductive relation
(Ln~l ? H)p mp (mpjL -B)-C>0.
In addition, if C = Yij, then
(m0L - B) ? C > m0 - B ? Y > m0 - m2 - - - mnLn-x ? B > 0.
According to the definition of A" (and the proof where such a constant exists, cf. (0.2c)), H + G is very ample for any nef line bundle G, in particular H + m§L - B is very ample. We again replace B by B + H. This substitution has the effect of replacing M by the new constant m = 77(Ln_1 - (B + 2Hj) and mo by
mo = max(m",m"_i,... ,mj,7772 - - - m"L?_1 - (B + Hj).
The latter term being the largest estimation of rnp implies
mn< ^3"-1-l)/2(^-1-g)'3"-2-1""-^'/2+'"-2'/2£"-1-(B+g))
1/1-0^ J« ^L"j(3n-2_1)("_1/2)/2 + (n_2)/2 + 1
^ \L'h) (Ln)3"-2(n/2-l/4) + l/4 Q
PROOF of lemma (17.8). Let X C F^ be the embedding given by H, so
that H = OxiXj- There exists a projective linear map Pra ->- Fp+1 for which the
restriction it : Y ->- Fp+1 to Y is a finite and birational morphism of Y onto an
algebraic hypersurface Y' of degree S in Fp+1. Let s £ i7T°(Fp+1, C((5)) be the
polynomial of degree 6 defining Y'. We claim that for any small Stein open subset
W C Fp+1 and any holomorphic p-form u, L2 on Y'nW, there exists a holomorphic
(p + l)-form u, L2 on W, with values in 0(S), such that u\Y'nw = u Ads. In fact,
this is precisely the conclusion of the L2 extension theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi
[OT87], [Ohs88] (also see [Man93] for a more general version of this result). One
can equally invoke standard arguments in local algebra (see Hartshorne [Har77],
th. III-7.11). Since KVP+i = 0(-p - 2), the form u can be considered as a section
of O (S - p - 2) on W, consequently the morphism of sheaves u ^ u Ads extends
to a global section of 'Horn (uy, Oy (6 - p - 2)). The inverse image of n* furnishes
a section of Horn (n* ujy, Oy{[5 -p- 2)H)). Since 7r is finite and generically 1 : 1,
it is easy to see that tt*ujy' = ojy- The lemma follows. ?
17.9. Remark. In the case of surfaces (77 = 2), we can take A" = 1 according
to the result of I. Reider [Rei88], and the arguments developed above ensure that
777L is very ample for
^ A(L-(KX+4L))2
m > 4 - .
By working through the proof more carefully, it can be shown that the multiplicative factor 4 can be replaced by 2. In fact, Fernandez del Busto has recently shown that
mL is very ample for
1 \(L-(Kx+4L) + if "
m>2[ V +3 '
and an example of G. Xiao shows that this bound is essentially optimal (see [FdB94]).
Matsusaka's big theorem yields a number of other important finiteness results. One of the prototypes of these results is the following statement.
17.10. Corollary. There exists only a finite number of families of deformations of polarized projective manifolds (X,L) of dimension n, where L is an ample line bundle for which the intersection numbers Ln and Kx ? Ln~x are fixed.
Proof. Indeed, since Ln and Kx ? Ln~x are fixed, there in fact exists a calculable integer mo such that moL is very ample. We then obtain an embedding $ = $|moL| : X ^ FN such that $*C(1) = ±m0L. The image Y = $(X) is of degree
deg(F) = / Cl(0(l))" = f Cl(±moL)n=m$Ln.
Jy Jx
This implies that Y is a point of one of the components of the Chow scheme of
algebraic subvarieties Y of a given dimension and degree in F^ for which 0(1) fy
is divisible by mo. More precisely a point of an open set corresponding to a non-
singular subvariety. Since the open set in question is a Zariski open set, it can have
only a finite number of irreducible components, whence the corollary. ?
We can also show from Matsusaka's Theorem (or even directly from Cor. (16.9)) that there is only a finite number of families of deformations of Fano varieties of a given dimension n. We use for this a fundamental result obtained independently by Kollar-Miyaoka-Mori [KoMM92] and Campana [Cam92], showing that the discriminant Kx is bounded by a constant Cn dependent only on n. The effective bound obtained for very ample line bundles furnishes then (at the expense of some effort!) an effective bound for the number of Fano varieties.
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Frobenius and Hodge Degeneration
Luc Illusie
Universite de Paris-Sud,
Department de Mathrhatiques,
Batiment 425, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France
In [D-I], the Hodge degeneration theorem and the Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem for smooth projective varieties over a field of characteristic zero are shown by methods of algebraic geometry in characteristic p > 0. These present notes will serve as an introduction to the subject, with the intention of keeping the non-specialist in mind (who will be able to also consult the presentation of Oesterle [O]). Thus we will assume known by the reader only some rudiments of the theory of schemes (EGA I 1-4, [H2] II 2-3). On the other hand, we require of the reader a certain familiarity with homological algebra. The results of [D-I] are expressed simply in the language of derived categories. Although it is possible to avoid there the recourse, see for example [E-V], we prefer to place it in its context, which appears more natural. However, to help the beginner, we recall in n°4 the basic definitions and some essential points.
0. Introduction
Let X be a complex analytic manifold. By the Poincare Lemma, the de Rham complex Q x of holomorphic forms on X is a resolution of the constant sheaf C. As a result, the augmentation C -> ftx defines an isomorphism (for all n)
(0.1) Hn(X, C) ^ H£R(X) = Hn(X, n-x),
where the second term, called the de Rham cohomology of X (in degree n), is the n-th hypercohomology group of X with values in flx. The first spectral sequence of hypercohomology abuts to the de Rham cohomology of X
(0.2) E? = Hq(X,ftpx) => #££'(£),
which is called the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence (or Hodge-Frolicher) (cf. [De] n°9). Let us assume X is compact. Then, by the finiteness theorem of Cartan-Serre, the Hq(X, £lx), and therefore all the terms of the spectral sequence (0.2) are finite dimensional C-vector spaces. If we set
bn = dimH£R(X) = dimHn(X,C) (n-th Betti number of X) and
hp'q = dimHq(X,nx)
(Hodge number), we have
(0.3) bn< Y, hP9>
with equality for all n if and only if (0.2) degenerates at E\. Suppose in addition that X is Kahler. Then by Hodge theory, the Hodge spectral sequence of X degenerates at Ei : this is the Hodge degeneration theorem, ([De] 9.9). Denote by
0 = Fn+1 C Fn C - - - C Fp = FpH£R(X) C - - - C F° = H£R(X)
the resulting filtration of the Hodge spectral sequence (Hodge filtration). By degeneration, one has a canonical isomorphism
(0.4) Ep'q = H" (X, Qpx) ~ E? = Fp/Fp+1.
We put
Hp'q = Fpf)Fq, where the bar denotes complex conjugation on HQR(X), defined by means of (0.1), and the isomorphism Hn(X, C) ~ Hn(X, K) ® C. It follows that
Hp>q = Hq'P.
Further, Hodge theory furnishes the following results ([De] 9.10): (a) the composite homomorphism
H? ^ FpHp+lq(X) -» Fp/Fp+1
is an isomorphism (i.e. Hp,q is a complement of Fp+l in Fp); whence, by composing with (0.4), determines an isomorphism
0 Hp>\
(Hodge decomposition). These results apply in particular to the complex analytic manifold X associated to a smooth projective scheme X over C. The difference between (a) and (b), which is of a transcendental nature, utilizes complex conjugation in an essential way. The Hodge degeneration can in this case be formulated in a purely algebraic manner. The de Rham complex of X is indeed the complex of analytic sheaves associated to the algebraic de Rham complex fl'x of X over C (a complex of sheaves in the Zariski topology, for which the components are locally free coherent sheaves). The canonical morphism (of ringed spaces) X -> X induces homomorphisms on the Hodge and de Rham cohomologies
(0.7) Hq(x,npx) -> Hg(x,npx),
(0.8) H£R(X) -»? ffSR(£),
where H£R(X) = Hn(X,Q'x). We make use of the Hodge to algebraic de Rham spectral sequence
(0.9) E^=H"(X,npx)^H^\X),
and a morphism of (0.9) in (0.2) inducing (0.7) and (0.8) respectively on the initial terms and the abutment. By the comparison theorem of Serre [GAGA], (0.7) is an isomorphism, and therefore the same holds for (0.8). Consequently, the degeneration at Ei of (0.2) is equivalent to that of (0.9). In other words, if one sets
hp'"(X) =dimHq(X,npx), hn(X) = dimH£R(X),
the Hodge degeneration theorem for X is expressed by the (purely algebraic) relation
(0.10) hn(X) = J2 hp'q(X).
More generally, if X is a smooth and proper scheme over a field k, one can consider the de Rham complex flx/k of X over k, and one still has a Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence
(0.11) Epi = H«(X,Slpx/k) => H&?(X/k)
(where H^R(X/k) = Hn(X,flx,k)), formed of finite-dimensional fc-vector spaces. If k is of characteristic zero, the Hodge degeneration theorem implies the degeneration of (0.11) at Ei : standard techniques (cf. n°6) indeed make it possible to go back initially to k = C, then with the aid of Chow's Lemma and of the resolution of singularities one reduces the proper case to the projective case ([DO]). There
are those who have long sought for a purely algebraic proof of the degeneration of (0.11) at Ei for k of characteristic zero. Faltings [Fal] was the first to give a proof of it independent of Hodge theory2. A simplification of crystalline techniques due to Ogus [Ogl], Fontaine-Messing [F-M] and Kato [Kal] led, shortly thereafter, to the elementary proof presented in [D-I]. We refer to the introduction of [D-I] and to [O] for a broad overview. We only indicate that the degeneration of (0.11) (for k of characteristic zero) is proven by reduction to the case where k is of characteristic p > 0, where, however, it can happen that the degeneration is automatic! This proof is based however on the help of some additional hypothesis on X (upper bound of the dimension, liftability) which is sufficient for our purposes (see 5.6 for a precise statement). We explain in n°6 the well-known technique which allows us to go from characteristic p > 0 to characteristic zero. The degeneration theorem in characteristic p > 0 to which we have just alluded follows from a decomposition theorem (5.1), relying on some classical properties of differential calculus in characteristic p > 0 (Frobenius endomorphism and Cartier isomorphism), which we recall in n°3, after having summarized, in n°l and 2, the formalism of differentials and smoothness on schemes. The aforementioned decomposition theorem furnishes at the same time an algebraic proof of the Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem for the smooth projective varieties over a field of characteristic zero (6.10 and [De] 11.7). The last two sections are of a more technical nature: We outline the evolution of the subject since the publication of [D-I], and, in the appendix, we describe some complementary results due to Mehta-Srinivas [Me-Sr] and Nakkajima [Na].
1. Schemes: differentials, the de Rham complex
We recall here the definition and basic properties of differential calculus over schemes. The reader will find a complete treatment in (EGA IV 16.1-16.6); also see [B-L-R] 2.1 and [H2] II 8 for an introduction.
1.1. We say that a morphism of schemes i : T$ -> T is a thickening of order 1 (or by abuse, that T is a thickening of order 1 of T0) if i is a closed immersion defined by an ideal of Ot of square zero. If T and To are affine, with rings A and A$, such a morphism corresponds to a surjective homomorphism A -> Aq for which the kernel is an ideal of square zero. The schemes T and To have the same underlying space, and the ideal a of i, annihilated by a, is a quasi-coherent Ot0 ( = 0T/a)-module.
Let j : X -> Z be an immersion, with ideal / (by definition, j is an isomorphism of X onto a closed subscheme j(X) of a larger open subset U of Z, and / is the quasi-coherent sheaf of ideals of U defining j(X) in U, (EGA I 4.1, 4.2)). Let Z\ be the subscheme3 of Z, with the same underlying space as X, defined by the ideal I2. Then j factors (in a unique way) into
X il> Zl -*i> Z
2The purists observe that this proof, which rests on the existence of the Hodge-Tate decomposition for p-adic etale cohomology of a smooth and proper variety over a local field of unequal characteristic, is not entirely "algebraic", in the sense of where it uses the comparison theorem of Artin-Grothendieck between etale cohomology and Betti cohomology for smooth and proper varieties over C.
3At the expense of some abuse of notation, we will allow ourselves the flexibility of interchanging "immersion" (resp. "closed immersion") and "subscheme" (resp. "closed subscheme"); that amounts here to neglecting the isomorphism of X onto j(X).
where h\ is an immersion, and j\ is a thickening of order 1, with ideal I/I2; one says that (ji,hi), or more simply Z\, is the first infinitesimal neighbourhood of j (or of X in Z). The ideal I /I2 (which is a quasi-coherent Ox-module) is called the conormal sheaf of j (or of X in Z). We denote it by Mx/z ?
1.2. Let / : X -> Y be a morphism of schemes, and let A : X -> Z := X XyX be the diagonal morphism. This is an immersion (closed if and only if X is separated over F) (EGA I 5.3). The conormal sheaf of A is called the sheaf of Kahler 1-differentials of / (or of X over Y) and is denote by flx,Y; we sometimes write &X/A mstead 0I ^x/y ^ ^ 1S amne with ring A. Thus we have a quasi-coherent Ox-module, defined by
(1.2.1) nx/Y = i/i2,
where / is the ideal of A. Let X -h- Z\ -> Z be the first infinitesimal neighbourhood of A. The two projections of Z = X Xy X on X induce, by composition with Zi -> Z, two F-morphisms pi,p? : Z\ ->- X, which retract Ai. The sheaf of rings of the scheme Z\, which has the same underlying space as X, is called the sheaf of principal parts of order 1 of X over Y, and is denoted by VX,Y- We have, by construction, an exact sequence of abelian sheaves
(1-2.2) o -> nx/Y -»? Vx/Y -»? Ox -»? 0,
split by each of the ring homomorphisms ji,J2 '? Ox -> T^x/y induced from pi,p2-The difference j'2 - ji is a homomorphism of abelian sheaves of Ox in flx,Y, which is called the differential, and which is denoted by
(1.2.3) dx/Y (or d) : Ox -> «x/y
If M is an Ox-module, a Y-derivation of Ox in M is any homomorphism of sheaves of /_1(Oy)-modules D : Ox -> M (where /_1 denotes the inverse image functor for abelian sheaves) such that
D(ab) =aDb + bDa
for all local sections a, b of Ox- We denote by Bevy (Ox, M), the set of Y-derivations of Ox in M, which is in a natural way an abelian group. The differential dx/Y is a F-derivation of Ox in QX,Y. One shows that it is universal, in the sense that for any F-derivation D of Ox in an Ox-module M (not necessarily quasi-coherent), there exists a unique homomorphism of Ox-modules u : Qx/y ~^ ^ such that u o dx/Y = ^> i-e- the homomorphism
(1.2.4) Rom(nx/Y,M)->Dery(Ox,M), u^uodx/y
is an isomorphism. The sheaf "Hom(Qx,Y, Ox) is called the tangent sheaf of / (or of X over F), and is denoted by
(1-2.5) Tx/Y
(or sometimes ®x/y)- F°r any open subset U of X, (1.2.4) gives an isomorphism T(U,Tx/y) - Dery(Oc/, 0[/). Recall that one calls a Y-point of X a F-morphism T -> X. By definition, X Xy X "parameterizes" the set of pairs of
F-points of X (i.e. represents the corresponding functor on the category of Y-schemes). The geometric significance of the first infinitesimal neighbourhood Z\ of the diagonal of X over Y is that it parameterizes the pairs of Y-points of X neighbouring of order 1 (i.e. congruent modulo an ideal of square zero): More precisely, if i : T0 ->- T is a thickening of order 1, with ideal a, where T is a F-scheme, and if ti, ti : T ->- X are two F-points of X which coincide modulo a (i.e. such that t\i = t-2,% = to : To ->- X), then there exists a unique F-morphism h : T ->- Z\ such that p\h = t\ and p^h = t^. Moreover, if t\, t\ : Ox -? to*Or 4 are the homomorphisms of sheaves of rings associated to t\ and ti, t\ -1\ is a F-derivation of X with values in to*a, such that
(1.2.6) (t?2-tl)(s)=h*(dS)
for any local section s of Ox, where h* : ^x/y ~~^ *oa *s tne homomorphism of Ox-modules induced by h (on the corresponding conormal sheaves of X in Z\ and To in T). If / is a morphism of affine schemes, corresponding to a ring homomorphism A -» B, then Z = Spec B ®a B, A corresponds to the ring homomorphism sending &i ® &2 onto &i62, with kernel J = T(Z,T). We have T(X,VX/Y) = (B ®A B)/J2, and we set
(1.2.7) r(x,n1x/Y) = n1B/A.
The S-module Qg ,A = J/ J2, for which the associated quasi-coherent sheaf is QxiY, is called the module of K'dhler 1-differentials of B over A. The map d = g^/a = r(X, dx/y) '? B -t flg/A is an ^-derivation, satisfying a universal property that we leave to the reader to formulate. The homomorphisms ji, j2 : B ->- (B a B)/J2 of 1.1 are given by jib = class of b 1, J2& = class of 1 ® b. Since J is generated by 1 ® & - b 1, fJ^/^ is generated, as a Ti-module, by the image of d. It follows from this that if / is any given morphism of schemes, Qx/y *s generated, as an Ox-module, by the image of d.
1.3. Any commutative square
X' -4 X
(1-3-1) f'i if
Y' A Y defines in a canonical way, a homomorphism of Ox' -modules
(1.3.2) 9*nx/Y^nx,/YI,
which sends 1 g~1(dx/Ys) onto dX'/Y'(l ® ff_1(s))- (If -^ is an Ox-module, by definition g*_E = Ox'®fl-i(e>x)5-1(Tv)-) This is an isomorphism if the square (1.3.1) is cartesian, i.e. if the morphism X' -> Y' Xy X is an isomorphism. Moreover, in this case, the canonical homomorphism
(1.3.3) f'*nY,/Y(Bg*nx/Y^nx,/Y
is an isomorphism.
4 Recall that T and To have the same underlying space.
1.4. Let
be morphisms of schemes. Then the canonical sequence of homomorphisms
(1.4.1) ftfy/g -> Q^s -»? QX/y -> 0
is exact.
1.5. Let
be a commutative triangle, where i is an immersion, with ideal /. The differential dz/y induces a homomorphism d : Mx/z ->- **^z/y> and the sequence
(1.5.1) Afx/z ->- **^/y -> fijf/y -> 0
is exact.
1.6. Let X = AY = Y[Ti,... ,Tn] be the affine space of dimension n over Y.
The Ox-module Qx/y *s free> wrtn basis dTj (1 < i < n). If Y is affine, with ring
A, and if s £ A[Ti,... ,T"], then cfe = J2(ds/dTi)dTi, where the ds/*9^ are the
usual partial derivatives.
Properties 1.3 to 1.6, for which the verification is completely standard, are fundamental. It is by virtue of these that we can "calculate" the modules of differentials. For more details, see the indicated references above.
1.7. Let / : X ->- Y be a morphism of schemes. For i £ N, we denote by
"X/Y - ^ "X/Y
the i-th exterior product of the Ox-module ftx/Y- (^ *s agreed that Q°x/y = ®x-)
One shows that there exists a unique family of maps d : Qx/y ~~^ ^x/V satisfying
the following conditions:
(bbb)d is a F-anti-derivation of the exterior algebra 0 Slx/Y-> l-Q- ^ *s /_1(Oy)-linear and d(ab) = da A b + (-l)*a A Y be a morphism of schemes. We say that / is locally
of finite type (resp. locally of finite presentation) if, for any point x oi X, there
exists an affine open neighbourhood U of x and an affine open neighbourhood V
°f V = f(x) sucn that f(U) C V and that the homomorphism of rings A ->- B
associated to U -> V makes B an A-algebra of finite type (i.e. a quotient of an
algebra of polynomials A[t\,... ,tn]) (resp. of finite presentation (i.e. a quotient of
an algebra of polynomials A[t\,... ,tn] by an ideal of finite type)). If Y is locally
Noetherian, "locally of finite type" is equivalent to "locally of finite presentation",
and if it is, then it follows that X is locally Noetherian.
If / : X -> Y is locally of finite presentation, the Ox-module Qx/y 1S °f nmte type for all i, therefore coherent if Y is locally Noetherian.
2.2. Let / : X ->- Y be a morphism of schemes. We say that / is smooth (resp.
net (or non-ramified), resp. etale) if / is locally of finite presentation and if the
following condition is satisfied:
For any commutative diagram
(2.2.1) g0S if
t0 At -> f
where i is a thickening of order 1 (1.1), there exists, locally in the Zariski topology on T, a (resp. at most one, resp. a unique) F-morphism g : T -t X such that gi = go- It follows immediately from the definition that the composite of two smooth morphisms (resp. net, resp. etale) is smooth (resp. net, resp. etale), and that if / : X -> Y is smooth (resp. net, resp. etale), it is the same with the morphism /' : X' ->- Y' induced by a base change Y' ->- Y. If for i = 1,2, /, : X{ ->- Y is smooth (resp. net, resp. etale), the fiber product / = /i Xy fi2 : X\ Xy X2 -> Y is therefore smooth (resp. net, resp. etale). Additionally it is immediate that the projection of the affine line Ay = Y[t] ->- Y is smooth, and it is therefore the same for the projection of the space AY -> Y.
Remarks 2.3. (a) Because of the uniqueness which allows a gluing together, we can omit in the definition of etale, locally in the Zariski topology. On the other hand, we cannot do it in the definition of smooth. There exist a cohomological obstruction that we will later specify, to the existence of a global extension g oi go-
(b) If n is an integer > 1, we say that a morphism of schemes i : T0 -> T is a thickening of order n if i is a closed immersion defined by an ideal / such that jn+i _ q_ jf rp^ denotes the closed subscheme of T defined by Im+1, % itself factors into a sequence of thickenings of order 1 :
To -> Xi ->- - - - ->- Tm -t Tm+i ->----->- Tn.
In Definition 2.2, we can therefore replace thickening of order 1 by thickening of order n.
The following proposition summarizes the essential properties of differentials associated to smooth morphisms (resp. net, resp. etale).
Proposition 2.4. (a) // / : X ->- Y is smooth (resp. net), the Ox-module Qx/y is locally free of finite type (resp. zero).
(b) In the situation of 1.4, if f is smooth, the sequence (1.4.1) extended by a zero
to the left
(2.4.1) o -». rtfyjs -? nx/s -». nx/Y -+ o
is ea;aci and locally split. In particular, if f is etale, the canonical homomor-phism f*QY,s ->- £lx/s is an isomorphism.
(c) In the situation of 1.5, if f is smooth, the sequence (1.5.1) extended by a zero
to the left
(2.4.2) 0 -»? Mx/z -> **^z/y -> ^x/y -> 0
is ea;aci anrf locally split. In particular, if f is etale, the canonical homomor-phism Mx/z ~^ i*^z/Y *s an isomorphism.
2.5. The verification of 2.4 is not difficult (EGA IV 17.2.3), but unfortunately somewhat scattered in (EGA Oiv 20). Here is an outline.
The key ingredient is the following. If / : X -> Y is a morphism of schemes and / a quasi-coherent Ox-module, we call a Y-extension of X by I, a F-morphism i : X ->- X' which is a thickening of order 1 with ideal /. Two F-extensions i\ : X -> X\ and «2 : X ->- X^ of X by / are said to be equivalent if there exists a F-isomorphism g of X\ onto X^ such that gi\ = «2 and that g induces the identity on /. An analogous construction to this is the "Baer sum" for extensions of modules over a ring associated to the set
of equivalence classes of F-extensions of X by / with a structure of an abelian group, with neutral element the trivial extension defined by the algebra of dual numbers Ox ffi I-
Assertion (c) follows immediately from the definition: The smoothness of / indeed implies that the first infinitesimal neighbourhood i\ of i retracts locally onto X, and the choice of a retraction r permits the splitting (2.4.2) (by the derivation associated to Id^ - ii or, cf. (1.2.6)).
Assume / is smooth. If / is a quasi-coherent Ox-module and if i : X ->- Z is a y-extension of AT by /, the sequence (2.4.2) is therefore an extension of Ox-modules e(i) of f^x/y by I- One can show that i i-» e(i) gives an isomorphism
(2.5.1) Exty(X,J)-> Ext^x(f)x/y,I)
(cf. [II] I, chap. II, 1.1.9. We define an inverse of (2.5.1) by associating to an extension M of ^x/y by /, the F-extension Z of X defined in the following way: Identify, via ji, the sheaf of principal parts VX,Y (1.2.2) with the ring of dual numbers Ox © ^x/y anc^ denote by F = Ox © M the ring of dual numbers over M; the extension M makes F an /_1 (Oy )-extension of VX,Y by /. That is, if E = F xvi Ox is the "pull-back" of F by the homomorphism j2 = ji + dx/Y '? Ox -? T-'xiy tnen E is a /_1 (Oy )-extension of Ox by /, which defines the Y-extension Z). Since / is smooth, any F-extension of X by / is locally trivial, and therefore by virtue of (2.5.1), it follows from this that the sheaf Ext^" (flx,Y,I)
(associated to the presheaf U t-> ¥jy±l0jJ(Vl]j,Y,I\u)) is zero, and therefore also that Ext^.(n^,y,J) =0 for all open subsets U of X and all quasi-coherent 0[/-modules J. Since Qx/y 1S °^ nmte type (2.1), it follows that Qx/y 1S locally free °f finite type, which proves the part of (a) relative to the smooth case. (The relative part of the net case is immediate: For any F-scheme X, if i : X -> Z is the trivial F-extension of X by a quasi-coherent Ox-module /, the set of Y-retractions of Z on X is identified with ~Kom(£lx,Y,I) by r >-> r - ro, where ro corresponds to the natural injection of Ox in Ox® I, cf. (1.2.6).) In particular, it follows from (a) and
(2.5.1) that if X is an affine scheme and is smooth over Y, we have Exty (X, I) = 0
for any quasi-coherent Ox-module /. Finally, we arrive at (b), by using, for X, Y, S
affine, and any given /, the natural exact sequence (EGA Orv 20.2.3)
(2.5.2) 0 -> Dery(Ox,/) -»? Ders(Ox,/) -»? Ders(0YJJ) ->
A Exty(X,I) ->? Exts(X,I) -»? Exts(y,/./), where the arrows other than d are the obvious arrows of functoriality, and d associates to an 5-derivation D : Oy -> f*I the F-extension defined by the ring of dual numbers Ox ffi I and the homomorphism a \-> f*a + Da of Oy in /*(Ox ffi I)-
Observe that if / : X -> Y is a morphism locally of finite presentation of affine schemes (i.e. corresponding to a homomorphism of rings A ->? B making B an A-algebra of finite presentation), then, for that / is smooth, it is necessary and sufficient that for any quasi-coherent Ox-module /, we have Exty(X,/) = 0 (the sufficiency rises from the definition, and the necessity was already noted above).
Assertions 2.4 (b) and (c) have converses, which furnish a very convenient criteria of smoothness. Their verfication is easy, starting from previous considerations.
Proposition 2.6. (a) In the situation of 1.4, assume gf smooth. If the sequence (2.4.1) is exact and locally split, then f is smooth. If the canonical homomorphism f*£lY,s ->- fi-x/s 's an isomorphism, then f is Stale. (b) In the situation of 1.5, assume g smooth. If the sequence (2.4.2) is exact and locally split, then f is smooth. If the canonical homomorphism Afx/z ~^ **^^-/y *s an isomorphism, then f is etale.
2.7. Let / : X -> Y be a smooth morphism, assume given x a point of X, and denote by k(x) the residue field of the local ring Ox,x- Let s\,... , sn be sections of Ox in a neighbourhood of x for which the differentials form a basis of £lx/Y at x, i.e., chosen such that the images (dsi)x of dsi in QX,Yx form a basis of this module over Ox,x, or such that the images (dsi)x of dsi in Qx/y ® ^(x) f°rm a basis of
this vector space over k(x). Since Qx/y is locally free of finite type, there exists an open neighbourhood U of x such that the Sj are defined over U and that the ds{ form a basis of ^x/y\u- ^ne si then define a F-morphism of U in the affine space of dimension n over Y:
a = (si,... ,sn):U -^AY = Y[tu... ,*"].
According to 1.6 and 2.6 (a), s is eto/e. We say that the Sj form a /oca^ coordinate system of X on 7 over U (or, if U is not specified, at x). A smooth morphism is therefore locally composed of an etale morphism and of the projection of a standard affine space.
2.8. Now assume given the situation of 1.5, by assuming g is smooth, and let
i be a point of X. According to 2.4 (c) and 2.6 (b), for that / to be smooth
in a neighbourhood of x, it is necessary and sufficient that there exists sections
si,... , sr of / in a neighbourhood of x, generating Ix and such that the (dsi)(x)
are linearly independent in f2^,y(x) = Qlz/y ®k(x) (where k(x) is the residue field
of Oz,x, which is also that of Ox,x)- F°r this reason, 2.6 (b) is referred to as the
jacobian criterion.
Suppose / is smooth in a neighbourhood of x (or at x, like one says sometimes), and let si,... ,sr be sections of / generating /in a neighbourhood of x. Then, for that the Sj defines a minimal system of generators of Ix (i.e. induces a basis of / k(x) = Ix/mxIx, or still forms a basis of I/I2 = Afx/z m a neighbourhood of x), it is necessary and sufficient that the (dsi)(x) are linearly independent in ^?z/y(x)5- Therefore, wherever this is the case, if we supplement the Sj by sections Sj (r+1 < j < r + n) of Oz in a neighbourhood of x such that the (dsi)(x) (1 < i < r + n) form a basis of VLlZjY{x), then the S{ (1 < i < n) define an etale F-morphism s from an open neighbourhood U of x in Z into the affine space AY+r, such that U fl X is the inverse image of the linear subspace with equations t\ = - - - = tr = 0:
unx ->- u
I if
Ay ->- A^
In algebraic geometry, this statement plays the role of the implicit function theorem.
2.9. Let k be a field and let / : X -> Y = Specfc be a morphism. Assuming /
smooth, then X is regular (i.e. for any point x of X, the local ring Ox,x is regular,
i.e. its maximal ideal mx can be generated by a regular sequence of parameters);
moreover, if a; is a closed point, k(x) is a finite separable extension of k, and the
dimension of Ox,x is equal to the dimension dim^ X of the irreducible component
of X containing x and of the rank of Qx/y a^ x- Conversely, if k is perfect, and if
X is regular, then / is smooth.
More generally, we have the following criterion, left as an easy verification from 2.7 and 2.8 :
5Or still that the sequence (sj) is O^-regular at x, i.e. that the corresponding Kozul complex is a resolution of Ox in a neighbourhood of x (cf. (SGA 6 VII 1.4) and (EGA IV 17.12.1)).
Proposition 2.10. Let f : X -^Y be a morphism locally of finite presentation (2.1). The following conditions are equivalent : (i) / is smooth; (ii) / is flat and the geometric fibers of f are regular schemes.
(We say that / is flat if for any point x of X, Ox,x is a flat module over Oyj(x) ? A geometric fiber of / is the reduced scheme of a fiber Xy = X Xy Spec k(y) of / at a point y by an extension of scalars to an algebraic closure of k(y).) If / : X -> Y is smooth, and a; is a point of X, the integer
dima:(/) := dimfc(a.) ttlx/Y ® k(x) = ?gox,^x/Y,x
is called the relative dimension of / at x. By the classical theory of dimension (EGA IV 17.10.2), this is the dimension of the irreducible component of the fiber Xf(x) containing x. Since Qx/y *s l°caUy free of finite type, it is a locally constant function of x. It is zero if and only if / is etale, in other words, / is etale if and only if / is locally of finite presentation, flat and net (it is this criterion which is taken as the definition of an etale in (SGA 1 I)).
If / is smooth and of pure relative dimension r, i.e. of constant relative dimension equal to the integer r, then the de Rham complex ilx/Y (1-7-1) is zero in degree > r, and Qx/Y 1S locally free of rank (^); in particular, flrx ,Y is an invertible Ox-module.
Smooth morphisms occupy a central place in the theory of infinitesimal deformations. The following two propositions summarize this. They are however of a more technical nature than the preceeding statements, and as they will be useful only in the proof of 5.1, we will advise the reader to refer to it at that time there.
Proposition 2.11. Assume given a diagram (2.2.1), with f smooth. Let L be the ideal of i.
(a) There exists an obstruction
c(g0) GExt^pSfijf/y,/)
for which the vanishing is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a Y-morphism (global) g : T -t X extending go (i.e. such that gi = go).
(b) If c(go) = 0, the set of extensions g of go is an affine space under
Since £lx/Y is locally free of finite type, there is a canonical isomorphism
(2.11.1) Ext^fi^/y, J) ~ ^(To.^om^fi^/y,/))
(and 7iom(gQflx,Y,I) - go^x/Y®^ where Tx/y is the tangent sheaf (1.2.5)). Set G = 'Hom(gofl1x,Y,I). According to (1.2.6), if U is an open subscheme of T with corresponding Uq over T0, two extensions of go\u0 to U "differ" by a section of G over Uq (and being given an extension, one can modify it by "adding" a section of G). Since go locally extends by definition of the smoothness of /, we then conclude that the sheaf P over T0 associating to Uq the set of extensions of go\u0 to U, is a torsor under G. Assertions (a) and (b) follow from this: c(go) is the class of this torsor. More explicitly, if (Ui)i¤E is an open covering of T and gi an extension of go over Ui, then, over Ui fl Uj, gi - gj is a F-derivation Dy of Ox with values in
ffo *(I\Uir\Uj)> i-e- a homomorphism of Qx/Y mt° 9° *(I\UinUj), i-e- finally a section of G over Ui fl Uj, and the (5^-) form a cocycle, for which the class is c{go). Note that if T (or what amounts to the same T0) is affine, then
and consequently go admits a global extension to T.
Proposition 2.12. Assume given i : Yq -t Y a thickening of order 1 with ideal I, and /o : Xq -^ Yq 0, smooth morphism.
(a) There exists an obstruction
for which the vanishing is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a smooth lifting Xq over Y, i.e. by definition, of a smooth Y-scheme X equipped with a Yq-isomorphism Yq Xyl~ Xq6 .
(eee)If ui(fo) = 0, the set of isomorphism classes of liftings of Xq over Y is an affine space under Ext (flx ,Y ,fo*I) (where by definition, if X\ and X2 are liftings of Xq, an isomorphism of X\ onto X2 is a Y-isomorphism of X\ on X'2 inducing the identity on Xq).
(fff)If X is a lifting of Xq over Y, the group of automorphisms of X (i.e. Y-automorphisms of X inducing the identity on Xq) is naturally identified with
Since Qx ,Y is locally free of finite type, there is, for all ieZ,a canonical isomorphism
(2.12.1) Ext'(n^o/yo)/0*/) ~ H\XQ,nom{VL\olYo,fQ[I))
(and ?{om(QXa ,Y ,f^I) ~ TXo/Yocg>f^I). If X0 is affine, the second term of (2.12.1) is zero for i > 1, and consequently there exists a lifting of X0 over Y, and two such liftings are isomorphic.
2.13. Here is an outline of the proof of 2.12. The data of a lifting X is equivalent to that of a cartesian square
Xq -4 X
hi if
Yq -4 Y,
with / smooth, let J be the ideal of thickness j. The flatness of / (2.10) implies that the homomorphism f£I -t J induced from this square is an isomorphism. (It is moreover easy to verify that conversely, if X is a F-extension of Xq by J such that the corresponding homomorphism f£I -> J is an isomorphism, then X is automatically a lifting of X0.) Assertion (c) is therefore a particular case of 2.11 (b). The identification consists of associating with an automorphism u of X the "derivation" u - ldx- Similarly, if X\ and X2 are two liftings of X0, 2.11 (a) implies that Xi and X2 are isomorphisms if X0 is affine, and that the set of isomorphisms
6In this section, when we speak of a lifting of a smooth IVscheme, it will be implicit, unless mentioned to the contrary, that we are thinking of it as a smooth lifting.
of X\ over X2 is then an affine space under Hom(f2^ ,Y , f$I). Assertions (a) and (b) come about formally. The verification of (b) is analogous to that of 2.11: If X\ and X2 are two liftings of X0, the "difference" of their isomorphism classes is the class of the torsor under 7iom(flx ,Y ,/q/) of the local isomorphisms of X\ on X2- (We also observe that the classes of F-extensions X\ and X2 of X0 by JqI differ by a unique Fo-extension of Xq by f$I, and invoke (2.5.1).) Finally, we indicate the construction of the obstruction ui(fo), by assuming for simplicity that X0 is separated. First of all, by the jacobian criterion (2.8), the existence of a global lifting is assured in the case where X0 and Y0 are affine, and /o is associated to a homomorphism of rings Aq ->- B$, where B$ is the quotient of an Ao-algebra of polynomials Ao[t\,... ,tn] by the ideal generated by a sequence of elements (gi,... ,gr) such that the dgi are linearly independent at every point x of X0 (to arbitrarily lift the gi). Since (always according to (2.8)) /o is locally of the preceding form, we can choose an open affine covering U = (([/j)o)jg.e of Xq, and for each i, a lifting Ui of (t/j)o over Y. Since X0 has been assumed separated, each intersection (£/«_/)o = {Ui)o fl (Uj)o is affine, and consequently, we can choose an isomorphism of liftings «y of U^u^^ over Uj\(ui:i)o- On a triple intersection (Uijk)o = (Ui)o n (Uj)0 n ([//t)o, the automorphism uijk = u^UjkUij of t/j|(t/i3.fc)0 differs from the identity by a section
Cijk = Ujjfc - Id
of the sheaf 7iom(fl1x Y ,/q/)- One verifies that (cy/t) is a 2-cocycle of U with values in Hom(rj^o Y /q I), where the class of this cocycle in
does not depend on the choices, and that it vanishes if and only if on a refinement covering, the U{j can be modified in a way in which they glue on the triple intersection, and also define a global lifting X of X0. This is the stated obstruction.
Remark 2.14. The theory of gerbes [Gi] and that of the cotangent complex [II], one or the other, allows us to get rid of the separation assumption made above, and especially gives a more conceptual proof of 2.12.
3. Frobenius and Cartier isomorphism
The general references for this section are (SGA 5 XV 1) for the definitions and basic properties of Frobenius morphisms, absolute and relative, and [Kl] 7 for the Cartier isomorphism (cf. also [12] 0 2 and [D-I] 1).
In this section, p denotes a fixed prime number.
3.1. We say that a scheme X is of characteristic p if pOx = 0, i.e. if the morphism X ->- Spec Z factors (necessary in a unique way) through Spec Fp. If X is a scheme of characteristic p, we define the absolute Frobenius morphism of X (or, simply Frobenius endomorphism, if there is no fear of confusion) to be the endomorphism of X which is the identity over the underlying space of X, and the raising to the p-th power on Ox ? We denote it by Fx ? If X is affine with ring A, Fx corresponds to the Frobenius endomorphism Fa of A, a \-> av. Let / : X -> Y be
a morphism of schemes. Then there is a commutative square
X 1^ X
(3-1-1) fi if
Y *> Y.
Denote by X^ (or X', if there is no ambiguity) the scheme (Y, Fy) Xy X induced from X by the change of base Fy. The morphism Fx defines a unique y-morphism F = Fx/y '? X -> X', giving rise to a commutative diagram
X -^» X' -> X
(3-1-2) f\ I if
Y ^ Y,
where the upper composite is Fx and the square is cartesian. We call F the relative Frobenius of X over Y. The morphisms of the upper line induce homeomorphisms on the underlying spaces (Fy is a "universal homeomorphism", i.e. a homeomor-phism and the remainder after any change of base). If Y is affine with ring A, and X is the affine space Ay = Speci?, where B = A\t\,... ,tn], then X' = AY7, and the morphisms F : X ->- X' and X' -> X correspond respectively to the homomorphisms t{ i->-t\ and at{ i->- aptj (a ¤ A).
Proposition 3.2. Let Y be a scheme of characteristic p, and f : X ->- Y a smooth morphism of pure relative dimension n (2.10). Then the relative Frobenius F : X ->- X' is a finite and flat morphism, and the Ox1 -algebra F*Ox is locally free of rank pn. In particular, if f is etale, F is an isomorphism, i.e. the square (3.1.1) is cartesian.
We first treat the case where n = 0, which requires some commutative algebra: The point is that F is etale, because according to 2.6 (a), an etale F-morphism between F-schemes is automatically etale, and that a morphism which is both etale and radical8 is an open immersion ((SGA 1 I 5.1) or (EGA IV 17.9.1)). Then the case where X is the affine space Ay is immediate: The monomials n^i?*' wrtn 0 < mi < p - 1 form a basis of F*Ox over Ox< ? The general case is deduced from 2.7.
Remarks 3.3. (a) Since, according to 2.10, Qx/y ^s l°cany free over Ox of rank (?), it follows from 3.2 that F*flx,Y is locally free over Ox< of rankp?("). (b) The statement of 3.2 relative to n = 0 admits a converse: If Y is of characteristic p and if AT is a F-scheme such that the relative Frobenius Fx/y is an isomorphism, then X is etale over Y (SGA 5 XV 1 Prop. 2). When Y is the spectrum of a field, this is "Mac Lane's criteria".
7It is not true in general that X and X' are isomorphic as Y-schemes, it is the exceptional case here.
8A morphism g : T -s> S is said to be radical if g is injective and, for any point t of T, with image in S, the residue field extension k(s) -s> k(t) is radical.
3.4. Let Y be a scheme of characteristic p and / : X -> Y a morphism. Set d = dx/y(l-2.3). If s is a local section of Ox, one has d(sp) = psp~1ds = 0. Since d(sp) = Fx(ds) = F*(l ® cfe), it follows that
(a) the canonical homomorphisms (1.3.2) associated to (Fx,Fy) and F,
fx^x/y -^ ^X/Yi F tlx'/Y ~^ ^-x/y
are zero;
(b) the differential of the complex F*fl'x,Y is Ox'-linear; in particular, the sheaves
of cycles Zl, with boundaries Bl and the cohomology W = Z% jB% of the complex F*£Ix/y are Cx'-niodules, and the exterior product acting on the graded Ox'~ module 0 ZlF*Q,x,Y (resp. @/HlF*Slx,Y) is a graded anti-commutative algebra. These facts are at the source of miracles of differential calculus in characteristic p. The principal result is the following theorem, due to Cartier [C] :
Theorem 3.5. Let Y be a scheme of characteristic p and f : X ->- Y a morphism.
(a) There exists a unique homomorphism of graded Ox-algebras
satisfying the following two conditions :
(i) for i = 0, 7 is given by the homomorphism F* : Ox1 -> F%Ox', (ii) fori = 1, 7 sends l®ds to the class of sp~1ds in 7^1ir*f2^.,y (where l®ds denotes the image of the section ds offlx,Y in flx,,Y.
(b) If f is smooth, 7 is an isomorphism.
In case (b), 7 is called the Cartier isomorphism, and is denoted by C_1. Its inverse, or the composite
of its inverse with the projection of 0 Zl onto 0"H8, where Zl denotes the sheaf of cycles of F*Q,X,Y in degree i, is denoted by C. It is this latter homomorphism which was initially defined by Cartier, and which we sometimes call the Cartier operation. The adopted presentation in 3.5 is due to Grothendieck (handwritten notes), and detailed in [Kl] 7.
When Y is a perfect scheme, i.e. such that Fy is an automorphism, for example if Y is the spectrum of a perfect field, one of the most significant cases for applications is this: If / is smooth, C_1 gives by composition with the isomorphism
(where (Fy)x;X' -> X is the isomorphism induced from Fy by change of base) an isomorphism
Cabs : ^Jj^x/Y -^ KjpWFx *^x/Y that we call the absolute Cartier isomorphism.
Corollary 3.6. Let Y be a scheme of characteristic p and f : X ->- Y a smooth morphism. Then for any i, the sheaves of Ox1 -modules
r*ilxiY, Z r^ilx/Y, H rSfilxiY, rl r*ilxiY
are locally free of finite type (where Z% resp. Bl denotes the sheaf of cycles resp. boundaries in degree i).
Taking into account 3.3 (a) and the exactness of i*1*, it suffices to apply 3.5 (b), while proceeding by descending induction on i.
We briefly indicate the proof of 3.5, according to [Kl] 7. For (a), it amounts to the same, taking into account (1.3.2), to construct the composite of 7 with the homomorphism 0f!Ly -> @(-FV)x *^x'/y ^e_ a homomorphism of graded Ox-algebras
7abS : 0<4/y "? 07^* .n"x/Y
satisfying the analogous conditions to (i) and (ii), i.e. given in degree zero by Fx, and in degree 1 sending ds to the class of sp~1ds. However the map of Ox in UXFX Mx/ Y sending a local section s of Ox onto the class of sp 1ds is a F-derivation (this is a result of the identity p~x((X + Y)v - Xp - Yp) = Y.oKiKpP'1 {Pi)XP~iYi in %[X,Y]). By (1.2.4), it defines the desired homomorphism (7abs)1- Since the exterior algebra ($)QX,Y is strictly anti-commutative ("strictly" means to say that the elements of odd degree are of square zero), it is likewise of its sub-quotient 0 WFX *fl'x,Y, and consequently there exists a unique homomorphism of graded algebras 7abs extending the homomorphisms (7abs)° = Fx and (7abs)1- For (b), one can assume, according to 2.7, that / factors into
where h is the canonical projection and g is etale. Given the square (3.1.1) relative to g, being cartesian according to 3.2, it is likewise the same of the analogous square with the relative Frobenius to Y
X A X'
(3.6.1) gl lg>
Z A Z',
where one sets for abbreviation Ay = Z. According to 2.4 (b), the homomorphism g*fllz,Y -> flx/Y 1S an isomorphism. The square (3.6.1) being cartesian and F finite, thus furnishes an isomorphism of complexes of Ox-modules
(3.6.2) g'*FM'z/Y -»? F,STX/Y.
Since g' is etale, therefore flat, the homomorphism
(3.6.3) g'-H'F.Sl'z/Y ->? WFM'x/y
induced from (3.6.2) is an isomorphism. Since on the other hand g'*£llz, ,Y ->- ^x1 /y is an isomorphism (g' being etale), it follows (by functoriality of 7) that it suffices to prove (b) for Z. By analogous arguments (extension of scalars and Kunneth) one can easy reduce to Y = SpecFp and n = 1, i.e. Z = SpecFp[t]. Then Z' = Z, the monomials l,t,... ,tp_1 form a basis of F*Oz over Oz, and since the differential d: F*Oz ->- FMZ = (F*Oz)dt sends t onto if^dt, one concludes that H°F*nz/¥p (resp. 'H1F*Q,ziv ) is free over Oz with basis 1 (resp. tp~1dt), and therefore that 7 is an isomorphism.
3.7. There is a close link between Cartier isomorphism and Frobenius lifting. This was known by Cartier, and it serves as motivation for its construction. The decomposition and degeneration theorems of [D-I] originates from this, see n°5. It consists of the following.
Let i : Tq ->- T be a thickening of order 1 and go : Sq ->- To a flat morphism. By lifting to a To-scheme So over T one extends a flat T-scheme over S equipped with a To-isomorphism To Xy S ~ Sq, i.e. a cartesian square
So -4 5
ffo 4- 4-ff
T0 -4 T
with g flat. If / (resp. J) is the ideal of thickening i (resp. j), the flatness of g implies that the canonical homomorphism g^I -> J is an isomorphism (cf. 2.13).
Take for i the thickening SpecFp -? SpecZ/p2Z, of the ideal generated by p. Let F0 be a scheme of characteristic p, and let F be a lifting of Y0 over Z/p'2Z. The ideal of F0 in ^ is therefore pOy, and the flatness of F over TLjp^TL implies that multiplication by p induces an isomorphism
(3.7.1) p:OY0^pOY.
Now let /o : X0 -> Y0 be a smooth morphism of ¥p-schemes. Denote by
To : X0 -> X0
the Frobenius of X0 relative to Y0. Assume given a (smooth) lifting X (resp. X') of Xq (resp. X0) over Y and a F-morphism T : X -? X' lifting T0, i.e. such that the square
X0 -> X
To 4 IF
*o ">- *' commutes. (We have seen that there exists obstructions to the existence of X, X', and T, cf. 2.11 and 2.12, and that these objects, whenever they exist, are not unique. We will return to this later.)
Proposition 3.8. Let f0 : X0 ->- F0 and F : X ^ X' be given as in 3.7. Then:
(a) multiplication by p induces an isomorphism
P-^Xo/Yo ^P^X/Y-
(b) the image of the canonical homomorphism
r '? '''X'/Y ~* ^*^X/Y
is contained in pF*£l^-,Y.
(c) Denote by
- FoMx0/Yo
the homomorphism "induced from F* by division by p", i.e. the unique horao-morphism rendering the square commutative
1 ^* 1
X'/Y ^ P-^0 *^X/Y
I tp
nx^/Y0 ->? F0 *nx0/Y0 ?
Then the image of - k is given by (ai,a2) h->- a\. If k = Fp, then W2(k) ~ Z/p2Z, the isomorphism being given by (01,02) ^ t(oi) +pr(a2), where r denotes the multiplicative section of Z/p2Z -> ¥p. (For an overall discussion of the theory of Witt vectors, see [S] II 6, [D-G] V.)
In this case, if X0 is a smooth F0-scheme (i.e. a smooth fc-scheme), and since the absolute Frobenius of Fo is an automorphism, lifting X0 over Y = Spec W2(k) is equivalent to lifting X'0, and according to 2.12, the obstruction to the existence
of such a lifting is found in Ext2(fix , Ox0) - H'2(X0,TXo) 9- If this obstruction is zero, one can choose a lifting X' of X'0 and a lifting X of X0, and then the obstruction to a lifting F : X -> X' of the relative Frobenius F0 is found in Ext1 (Fo*^,,^) - Ext1^,,^ *0Xo) (2.II)10. In every case, these two obstructions are locally zero, and even as soon as X$ is affine. The choice of a lifting F furnishes then, according to 3.8, a relatively explicit description of the Cartier isomorphism in degree 1 (and therefore in every degree, by multiplicativity).
4. Derived categories and spectral sequences
There are many reference sources on this subject at various levels. The reader with pressing obligations can consult [13], which can be used as an introduction and contains a broad bibliography. We will limit ourselves here by recalling some fundamental points which we will use in the following section.
4.1. Let A be an abelian category (in practice, A will be the category of Ox-modules of a scheme X). We denote by C(A) the category of A-complexes, with differential of degree 1, and further denote by L* (or L) for such a complex
> V ->- Li+1 ->----.
We say that L is with lower bounded degree (resp. upper, resp. with bounded degree) if L% = 0 for i sufficiently small (resp. sufficiently large, resp. outside of a bounded interval of Z). We denote by ZlL = Kerd : Ll ->- Li+1, BlL = Im d : L1'1 -> L%, H%L = Z%L/BlL, respectively the objects of cycles, boundaries and cohomology in degree i. If A is the category of Ox-modules, we write C(X) in place of C(A), and often WL instead of HlL for an object of C(X) (in order to indicate that it acts on the cohomology sheaf in degree i, and not on the global cohomology group H'(X,L)).
For n £ Z, the naive truncation L-n (resp. L-n) of a complex L is the quotient (resp. the subcomplex) of L which coincides with L in degree < n (resp. > n) and has zero components elsewhere. The canonical truncation r<"L (resp. t>"L) is the subcomplex (resp. quotient) of L with components L% for i < n, ZlL for i = n and 0 for i > n (resp: U for i > n, Ll/BlL for i = n and 0 for i < n). One sets r? L induces an isomorphism on Hl for i nL induces an isomorphism on Hl for i > n. For n £ Z, the translate L[n] of a complex L is the complex with components L[n]1 = Ln+% and with differential g?l["] = (-l)radt. A complex L is said to be concentrated in degree r (resp. m ifte interval [a, b]) if L* = 0 for i ^ r (resp. i ^ [a, b]). An object i? of A is often considered as a complex concentrated in degree zero. The complex E[-n] is then concentrated in degree n, with component E in this degree.
9We omit here, for abbreviation, /Yg in the notation of differentials.
10One can show ( [Me-Sr] Appendix) that the obstruction to a choice of (X,X',F) such that X' is the inverse image of X by the Frobenius automorphism of W-2(k) is found in Ext1 (0X' > B1F*Q,°X ); more precisely, such a triplet (X, X', F) exists if and only if the extension class
0 -> B1F"n'Xo -> Z1FMx0 "^> ^x' "^ °
(particular case i = 1 of the Cartier isomorphism 3.5) is zero. See [Sr] for an application to another proof of the principal theorem of [D-I].
A homomorphism of complexes u : L ->- M is called a quasi-isomorphism if Hlu is an isomorphism for all i. We say that a complex K is acyclic if if* If = 0 for all i.
If w : L -> M is a homomorphism of complexes, the cone TV = C(w) of u is the complex denned by N% = Lt+1 ffi Ml, with differential d(x, y) = {-dix, ux + duty)-For that m to be a quasi-isomorphism, it is necessary and sufficient that C(u) is acyclic.
4.2. Denote by K(A) the category of complexes of A up to homotopy, i.e.
the category having the same objects as C(A) but for which the set of arrows of
L in M is the set of homotopy classes of morphisms of L into M. The derived
category of A, denoted by D(A), is the category induced from K(A) by formally
reversing the (homotopy classes of) quasi-isomorphisms: The quasi-isomorphisms
of K (A) become isomorphisms in D(A) and D{A) is universal for this property.
When A is the category of Ox-modules over a ringed space X, we write D(X)
instead of D{A). The categories K{A) and D{A) are additive categories, and one
has canonical additive functors
C(A) -> K{A) -»? D(A).
The category D(A) has the same objects as C(A). Its arrows are calculated "by fractions" from those of K(A): An arrow u : L -> M of D{A) is defined by a couple of arrows of C(A) of the type
LA L' A M or L^M'^M,
where s and t are quasi-isomorphisms. More precisely, one shows that the homotopy classes of quasi-isomorphisms with source M (resp. target L) form a filtered category11 (resp. the opposite of a filtered category) and that one has
HomZ5(A)(JL,M) = lim Hom^{A) (L, M') = lim HomJf(i)(L', M)
t-.M^M1 s:L'-¥L
as i (resp. s) runs over the preceeding category (resp. its opposite). If L, M are complexes, we set, for i £ Z,
Ext*(L,M) =HomZ3(j4)(L,M[i]) = HomD(j4)(L[-i], M).
The functors H% and the canonical truncation functors tj on C(A) naturally extend to D(A). On the other hand, it is not the same as the naive truncation functors.
4.3. We denote by D+(A) (resp. D~(A), resp. Db(A)) the full subcate
gory of D(A) formed from complexes L cohomologically bounded below (resp. above,
resp. bounded), i.e. such that HlL = 0 for i small enough (resp. large enough,
resp. outside a bounded interval). If A contains sufficiently many injectives (i.e. if
any object of A embeds in an injective), for example if A is the category of Ox-
modules over a scheme X, then any object of D+{A) is isomorphic to a complex,
with bounded below degree, formed from injectives, and the category D+(A) is
equivalent to the full subcategory of K(A) formed from such complexes.
11A category I is said to be filtered if it satisfies the following conditions (a) and (b):
(ggg)For any two arrows f,g:i-tj, there exists an arrow h : j -S> k such that hf = hg.
(hhh)Assume given any objects i and j, there exists an object k and arrows / : i -s> k, g : j -> k.
4.4. The categories K(A) and D{A) are not in general abelian, but possess a
triangle category structure, in the sense of Verdier [V]. This structure is defined by
the family of distinguished triangles. A triangle is a sequence of arrows T = (L ->-
M -> N -> L[l]) of if(A) (resp. D(A)). A morphism of T in T' = (L' ->- M' ->
N' -> L'[l]) is a triplet (u : L -> 1/, v.M^M', w: N ->- TV') such that the three
squares formed with it, v, w, u[l] commute. A triangle is said to be distinguished
if it is isomorphic to a triangle of the form
L 4 M 4 C(u) A L[l],
where w is the cone of a morphism of complexes u, and « (resp. p) denotes the obvious inclusion (resp. the opposite of the projection). Any short exact sequence of complexes 0 ->? i? A F -» G ->? 0 defines a distinguished triangle D(A), by means of the natural quasi-isomorphism C(u) ->- G, and any distinguished triangle of D{A) is isomorphic to a triangle of this type.
Any distinguished triangle T = (L ->- M ->- TV -? £[1]) of -D(A) gives rise to a long exact sequence
> HlL -> HlM -> iTAT 4 Hi+1L ->----,
>Ext*(£;,L) -^Ext^M) -?Ext^./V) ->. Exti+1 (£, L) ->----,
>Ext{(N,E) -^Ext{(M,E) -^Ext{(L,E) -> Exti+1(N, E) -> --- ,
for E £ ob -D(A). If the triangle T is associated to a short exact sequence given explicitly above, the operator d of the first of these sequences is the usual boundary operator (this is the reason for the convention of sign in the definition of p).
4.5. Let L be a complex of A and i £ Z. The quotient t- T iTL[-i] -> r- r>j_iL -> T>iL ->- H^Ll-i + 2].
^_i,t1L := 7>i_iT Z*L -> 0)
defines a distinguished triangle
W^Ll-i + 1] ->- r^^L -> #*£[-«] ->,
which furnishes a canonical element
(4.5.1) q e Ext^iTL,^-1!,).
The triplet (Ht~1L, HtL, Cj) is an invariant of L in -D(A). It permits its reconstruction up to an isomorphism if L is cohomologically concentrated in degree i - 1 and i. One can show that the Cj universally realizes the differential g?2 of the spectral sequences of derived functors applied to L (cf. Verdier's theorem12, or [D3]).
2Which should be appearing soon in Asterique.
4.6. Let L be an object of Dh(A). We say that L is decomposable if L is
isomorphic, in D(A), to a complex with zero differential. If L is decomposable,
and if u : L' -> L is an isomorphism of D(A), with L' having zero differential,
then u induces isomorphisms Ln ->- HlL. In particular V has bounded degree and
V = <§,Lli[-i] (in C{A)) (4.1), therefore
(4.6.1) L~0ff'L[-i]
(in F>(A)). Conversely, if F satisfies (4.6.1), F is trivially decomposable. If L is decomposable, one calls a decomposition of F the choice of an isomorphism (4.6.1) inducing the identity on H% for all i. There exists a finite sequence of obstructions to the decomposability of F: The first are the classes Cj (4.5.1); if the Cj are zero, there are secondary obstructions in Ext3(F*F,F8_2F), etc. In addition, if F is decomposable, F admits in general many decompositions.
In the following section, we are especially interested in the case when F is concentrated in degree 0 and 1 : L = (F° ->- F1). In this case:
(iii)the class c\ £ Ext2(FxF, H°L) is the obstruction to the decomposability of F;
(jjj)the giving of a decomposition of F is equivalent to that of a morphism i71L[-1] ->- F inducing the identity on H1;
(kkk)The set of decompositions of F is an affine space under Ext^F^F, H°L) ([D-I] 3.1).
4.7. We now return for example to [HI], II for the definition of the derived
functors®, RTiom13, FHom, F/*, F/*, RF in the derived category D{X), where X is a variable scheme, and the description of certain remarkable relations between these functors. We need only recall that these functors are, compared to each argument, exact functors, i.e. transform distinguished triangles to distinguished triangles, and are "calculated" in the following way:
(lll)For Beob D(X), F £ ob D~(X), E®F ~ E F' if F ~ F' in D(X), with F' having upper bounded degree (4.1) and with flat components. For given F, there exists a quasi-isomorphism F' -> F with F' of the preceding type; moreover the homotopy classes of such quasi-isomorphisms form a coinitial system (in the category of classes of quasi-isomorphisms with target F, cf. 4.2).
(mmm)For E £ ob D(X), F £ ob D+(X), if F ~ F', with F' having lower bounded degree and with injective components, then KHom(E,F) ~ /Hom°{E,F') and i?Hom(i?,F) ~ Hom*(_E, F'). For given F, there exists a quasi-isomorphism F -? F' with F' of the preceding type (and the homotopy classes of such quasi-isomorphisms form a cofinal system).
(nnn)For / : X -> F and F £ ob £>+(X), if F ~ F', with F' having lower bounded degree and with flasque components (for example, injective), then Rf*E ~ /*F' and RT(X,E) ~ T(X,E'). One simply writes Hl{X,E) instead of HlRT(X,E)-and more generally, one defines in the same way, i?/" : F>+(X, /_1(Oy)) ->- F+(F), where D(X, f~1(Oy)) denotes the derived category of the category of complexes of /_1(0y)-modules (the de Rham complex Q'x/Y is sucn a complex).
(ooo)For / : X -> Y and F £ ob F"(F), F/*F ~ /*F' if F ~ F', with F' having upper bounded degrees and with flat components.
13An error of sign slipped into the definition of the complex Horn* (L, M) in [HI] p. 64: For u G Hom(L% M'+n), it necessarily reads du = d o u + ( -l)n+1u o d.
4.8. It can be said that spectral sequences are perhaps one of the most avoided objects in mathematics, and yet at the same time, are one of the most useful algebraic tools for cohomology. This is particularly true of derived categories, which sometimes contributes to this, but they remain essential. There are many references, the oldest ([C-E], XV) being one of the best. In these notes, we will be especially interested in the spectral sequence called the Hodge to de Rham, for which we will recall the definition.
Let T : A ->- B be an additive functor between abelian categories. Assume that A has sufficiently many injectives. Then T admits a right derived functor
RT :D+(A) -+D+(B),
which is calculated by RT{K) ~ T(K') if K ->- K' is a quasi-isomorphism with K' with bounded below degree and with injective components. The objects of cohomology Hi o RT : D+(A) ->- B are denoted by RlT. For ifeob D(A), with bounded below degree, there is a spectral sequence
(4.8.1) E\j = RiTiK*) => R*T(K),
called the first spectral sequence of hypercohomology of T. It is obtained in the following way: Chooses a resolution K ->- L of K by a bicomplex L, such that each column L%% is an injective resolution of K%. If sL denotes the associated simple complex, the resulting homomorphism of complexes K -> sL is a quasi-isomorphism, therefore RT(K) ~ T(sL) = sT(L), RT(K{) ~ T(Li#), and the filtration of sT(L) by the first degree of L given rise to (4.8.1).
Let if be a field and X a fc-scheme. The group (cf. (1.7.1) and 4.7 (c))
(4.8.2) HR(X/k) = H'iX,^) = r(Specfe,i?7.(^/*))
(where / : X ->- Spec k is the structure morphism) is called i-th de Rham cohomology group of X/k. This is a k-vector space. The spectral sequence (4.8.1) relative to the functor T(X, -) and the complex Q'x,k is called the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence of X/k :
(4.8.3) E[j = W(X, Wx/k) => H^R(X/k).
This is a spectral sequence of fc-vector spaces. The groups H^{X, Qx/k) are caned the Hodge cohomology groups of X over k. If X is proper over k ([H2] II 4) (for example, projective over k, i.e. a closed subscheme of a projective space FJJ), and since the $lxik are coherent sheaves (2.1), the finiteness theorem of Serre-Grothendieck ([H2] III 5.2 in the projective case, (EGA III 3) in the general case) implies that the Hodge cohomology groups of X over k are finite dimensional fc-vector spaces. By the spectral sequence (4.8.3), it follows from this that the de Rham cohomology groups H^K{X/k) are also finite dimensional over k. Moreover, for each n, one has
(4.8.4) Y, dim* ffJ'(X' nx/k) ^ dim* HBn(X/k),
with equality for all n if and only if the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence of X over k degenerates at Ei, i.e. the differential dr is zero for all r > 1.
5. Decomposition, degeneration and vanishing theorems in characteristic p > 0
In this section, as in n°3, p will denote a fixed prime number. The main result is the following theorem ([D-I] 2.1, 3.7):
Theorem 5.1. Let S be a scheme of characteristic p. Assume given a (flat) lifting T of S over J,/p2J, (3.7). Let X be a smooth S-scheme, and let us denote as in 3.1, F : X ->- X' the relative Frobenius of X/S. Then if X' admits a (smooth) lifting overT, the complex of Ox1 -modules T-modules (4.6).
5.2. Before beginning the proof, note that a decomposition of T- X' admits a global lifting G : Z -» Z', where Z (resp. Z') lifts X (resp. X') over T. Let
(5.3.1) tpa-.Qnic./si-il^F.n'x/s
be the homomorphism of complexes, with i-th component LplG, defined in the following way:
(p°G = F*:Ox^FmOx; ipG:nx,/s^FMx/s
is the homomorphism "G*/p" defined in 3.8 (c). For i > 1, tpG is composed with A*y>c? and of the product AtF^fl1x,s -t F*QX,S. Then (pa is a quasi-isomorphism, inducing the Cartier isomorphism C~l on TV for all i.
This is immediate.
Step B. This is the principal step. We show that the giving of a lifting Z' of X' over T allows us to define a decomposition of T ?? fijfvshl] -> F.n'x/s
of D(X') (and not C(X'j) inducing C_1 over %1. With this intention, we need to compare the homomorphisms ipG of (5.3.1) associated to any other lifting of F with target Z'.
Lemma 5.4. To any pair {G\ : Z\ ->- Z',G2 ? Z2 ->- Z') of liftings of F is associated canonically a homomorphism
dh{G\,G2). If Gz : Z% ->- Z' is a third lifting of F, one has
h(G1,G2) + h(G2,G3) = h(G1,G3).
Let us suppose initially that Z\ and Z2 are isomorphic (in the sense of 2.12 (b)). Choose an isomorphism u : Z\ -± Z2. Then G2u and G\ lift F, i.e. extend to Z\ the composite X -> Z <-^ Z1. Therefore according to 2.11 (b), they differ by a homomorphism hu of F*flx, ,s in Ox, or what amounts to the same, of QX'/s in F*Ox? If v is a second isomorphism of Z\ onto Z2, then taking into account 3.4 (a), it follows from 2.11 (b) that u and v differ by a homomorphism "u - v" : ftx/s ~^ ®x' therefore G2u and G2v differ by the composite of "u - v" and the homomorphism F*flx, ,s -t £lx/s, which is zero, a fortiori G2u = G2v. Therefore hu does not depend on the choice of u. Since Z\ and Z2 are locally isomorphic according to 2.11 (a), we deduce from this a homomorphism (5.4.1) characterized by the property that if u is an isomorphism of Z\ onto Z2 over an open subset U of X (recall still that Z\, Z2 and X have the same underlying space), the restriction of h(Gi, G2) to U is the homomorphism hu, the "difference" between G\ and G2u. The formula LpxG - - Z' of F\ui. We then arrange for each i, a homomorphism of complexes
/* - fd '? ^x'/s\Uil -1-] "^ ^*^x/s|c/;
of (5.3.1), and for each pair (i,j), a homomorphism
hij = h{Gi\Uij,Gj\Uij) : ^x'/s\Uij ~^ F*^'x/s\Ui
of (5.4.1), where C/y = [/« fl Uj. These datum are connected by
fj-fi = dhij (on Uij), hij + hjk = hik (on Uijk =UinUjnUk)-
They make it possible to define a homomorphism of complexes of Ox1 -modules
where C(U,F*flx,s) is the simple complex associated to the Cech bicomplex of the covering U with values in F*Vlx,s. The components of this complex are given by
C(u,F,nx/s)n= 0 C\u,F.nx/s)
We identify the underlying spaces of X and X' by means of F (3.1).
with differential d = di+d,2, where d\ is induced by the differential of the de Rham complex and d ?? ^7S[-1] "> F^'x/s
to be the arrow of D(X') composed with u ,G-.s and with the inverse of e (4.2). If (U = (Ui)i£i, (Gi)i¤i) and (V = (Vj)jej, (Gj)jgj) are two choices of systems of Frobenius liftings, then by considering the covering W]JV, indexed by I\JJ, formed from the Ui and from Vj, it follows that ipz, does not depend on choices (cf. [D-I] p. 253). Moreover 1, an arrow of D(X')
(Vz'fi = ® ? ? ? ® ? (Hx'/shl])®* ">- (FM'x/s)^. Since QX'/s *s l°cauy free of finite type, we have (4.7 (a))
(*) (^x'/si-Mf1 ^ (nx,/s)0i[-il
and similarly, since the F*flx,s are locally free of finite type (3.3 (a)),
(**) (FMx/sfJi ^ (FMx/sfJi-
We then define for i < p,
? tox'/sl-Q ->? F*nx/S
as the composite (via (*) and (**)) of the standard antisymmetrization arrow
(well defined because of the assumption i < p), of the arrow (ip^,)®1-, and of the product arrow (F*Q'X,S)0J ->- F*Q'x,g. Since the antisymmetrication arrow is a
section of the projection of (flx,,s)®t onto flx,,s, the multiplicative property of the Cartier isomorphism results in iplz, inducing C_1 over W, and this completes the proof of the theorem.
Taking into account 3.9, we then deduce:
Corollary 5.5. Let k be a perfect field of characteristic p, and let X be a smooth scheme over S = Specfc. If X is lifted over T = SpecW^fc), then T- S (where S = Specfc) induces, for all (i,j), an isomorphism FgH^(X,flx,k) ^> H^X', flx, ,fc), and in particular, we have
dimkW{X,ilx/K) = dimkW(X',nxl/k).
In addition, since F : X ->- X' is a homeomorphism, one has canonically, for all n,
Hn(X',FM'x/k) ^ Hn{X,nx/k) = H£R(X/k).
Finally, if X is lifted over W^ik), a decomposition F*Q'X,S of F*flx,s in D(X') induces, for all n, an isomorphism
0 W(X',nxi/k) ^ Hn(X',F.ilx/k).
It follows from this that one has, for all n,
Y, dimfc W{X, Qx/k) = dimfc H£R(X/k),
and according to 4.8, this results in the degeneration at E\ of the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence.
5.7. For the remaining part to follow, the reader can consult [H2] II, III. Let k be a ring and X a projective fc-scheme, i.e. admits a closed fc-immersion i in a standard projective space P = Fk = Yvo]k[to, ? - ? ,tn]- Let L be an invertible sheaf over X. Recall that:
(i) L is very ample if one has L ~ i*Op(l) for such a closed immersion i, which means that there exists global sections Sj ¤ T(X,L) (0 < j < r) defining a closed immersion n-> (sq(x), ... , sr(x)) of X in P; (ii) L is ample, if there exists n > 0 such that L®n is very ample. Assume L ample. Then, according to Serre's theorem ([H2] II 5.17, III 5.2):
(ppp)For any coherent sheaf E on X, there exists an integer no such that for any n > no, E ® L®n is generated by a finite number of its global sections, i.e. a quotient of Ox for suitable N.
(qqq)For any coherent sheaf E on X, there exists an integer no such that for any n > no and all i > 1, one has
Hi(X,E®L®n) =0.
The theorem which follows is an analog in characteristic p, of the Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem [KAN], [AkN]:
Theorem 5.8. Let k be a field of characteristic p, and let X be a smooth projective k-scheme. Let L be an ample invertible sheaf on X. Then if X is of pure dimension d < p (cf. 2.10,) and is lifted over W2(k), we have
(rrr)Hj(X,L(g>nix/k)=0 for i + j>d,
(sss)W{X,L®-1 ®VLix/k)=Q iov i+j ^®-1 ® ^x/fc) are canonically dual. Formulas (5.8.1) and (5.8.2) are therefore equivalent. It will be more convenient to prove (5.8.2). By Serre's vanishing theorem (5.7 (b)), there exists n > 0 such that W{X,L®Pn (gi nx/k) = 0 for all j > 0 and all i. By Serre duality, it follows that H:'{X,L®~pn ® Slx/k) = 0 for all j < d and all i, and in particular for all (i,j) such that i + j < d. Proceeding by descending induction on n, it therefore suffices to prove the following assertion: (*) if M is an invertible sheaf over X satisfying H^{X,M^P (gi £lx/k) = 0 for all
(i,j) such that i + j < d, then H^{X,M ® Qxik) = 0 for all (i,j) such that
i+j- m®p, and therefore an isomorphism F' *M' ~ M®p, where F : X ->- X' is the relative Frobenius and M' is the inverse image of M over X'. We deduce, for all i, the following isomorphisms of Ox>-modules
(**) M' (8) FMx/k - F*(F*M' (8) Qx/k) ~ F*(M0P ® Clx/k).
Let us consider the spectral sequence (4.8.1) relative to the functor T = Y{X',-) and on the complex K = M' FMx/k) => H*(X',M' ® FM'x/k). The hypothesis and (**) imply that E[J = 0 for i + j < d. Therefore
Hn(X',M' ®F*n'x/k) =0 forn- S the structure morphism.
Consider then the spectral sequence (4.8.1) relative to the functor /* and
the complex £lx/s,
Eij = &f.nx/s^iTMnx/s),
which is called the relative Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence (of X over S). Then if X is smooth and proper of relative dimension < p, and if X'
is lifted over T, this spectral sequence degenerates at E\ and the sheaves R^f^x/s are l°cauy free of finite type. ([D-I] 4.1.5).
(www)The latter assertion of 5.5 and the conclusions of 5.6 and 5.8 still remain true if one only assumes X of dimension < p ([D-l] 2.3). This is a consequence of Grothendieck duality for the morphism F.
(xxx)There exists many examples of smooth and proper surfaces X over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p for which the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence does not degenerate at E\ and which does not satisfy the vanishing property of Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano type of 5.8. (Taking into account (3) if p = 2, or 5.6 and 5.8 if p > 2, these surfaces are therefore not lifted over W^ik).) See ([D-I] 2.6 and 2.10) for a bibliography on this subject.
(yyy)Formulas (5.8.1) and (5.8.2) are still useful if d = 2 < p, X is liftable over W2{k) and L is only assumed numerically positive, i.e. satisfies L ? L > 0 and L ? 0(D) > 0 for any effective divisor D, see [D-I] 2.
6. From characteristic p > 0 to characteristic zero
6.0. There exists a standard technique in algebraic geometry, which allows
one to prove certain statements of geometric nature15, formulas over a base field of
characteristic zero, from analogous statements over a field of characteristic p > 0,
even a finite field. Roughly speaking, it consists of a given base field K, which is in
characteristic zero, as an inductive limit of its Z-sub-algebras of finite type Af. Data
on K, provided that they satisfy certain finiteness conditions, arise by extension of
scalars from similar data on one of the Ai, say Aio = B. It is then enough to solve
the similar problem on T = Speci?, that which is seemingly more difficult. The
advantage however, is that the closed points of T are then the spectrum of a finite
field, and that in a sense which one can specify, there are many such points, so that
it is enough to check the statement posed on T after sufficient specialization to these
points. There is the business dealing with a problem of characteristic p > 0, where
one has the range of corresponding methods (Frobenius, Cartier isomorphism, etc.);
moreover one can exploit the fact of being able to choose the characteristic large
The two ingredients of the method are: (a) results of passing to the limit, presented in great generality in (EGA IV 8), allowing the "spreading out" of certain data and properties on K, to similar data and properties on B; (b) density properties of closed points on schemes such that the schemes are of finite type over a field or over Z (EGA IV 10).
6.1. Let ((Ai)iej, Uij : At -? Aj (i < j)) be a filtered inductive system of rings,
with inductive limit A, and denote by Uj : A{ -> A the canonical homomorphism.
The two very important examples are: (i) a ring A written as an inductive limit
of its sub-Z-algebras of finite type; (ii) the localization Ap of a ring A at a prime
ideal p written as an inductive limit of localizations Af (= A[l/f]) for / ^ p.
The prototype of problems and results of type (a) above is the following. Let (E{) = ((Ei)i¤i, V{j : Ei -t Ej) be an inductive system of Aj-modules, having for inductive limit the A-module E. Let us agree to say that (Ei) is cartesian if,
15I.e. stable by base extension, as opposed to statements of arithmetic nature, where the base plays an essential role.
for any i < j, Vij (which is an Aj-linear homomorphism of Fj into Ej considered as an Aj-module via u,j) induces, by adjunction, an isomorphism (A,-linear) of u\,-Ei = Aj (giAi Ei in Ej. In this case, the canonical homomorphism V{ : Ei -t E induces for all i, an isomorphism u*Et (= A (g)^ Ei) -^» E. Let ((Fj)j ¤ I,Wij) be a second inductive system of Aj-modules. If (Ei) is cartesian, the RomAi(Ei,Fi) form an inductive system of Aj-modules: The transition map for i < j associated to fi : Ei -? Fi is the homomorphism Ej -? F,- composed with the inverse of the isomorphism of Aj ? Aj ® Fi, and from the map of Aj (gi Fi in Fj defined by Wy. If F denotes the inductive limit of the Fi, one has analogous maps of H01114, (Ei,Fi) into Hom^F, F), which defines a homomorphism
(6.1.1) indlimHom^OE^Fi) ->? Hoiru(F,F).
We can then pose the following two questions :
(zzz)Being given an A-module E, does there exist io £ I and an Aj0-module Ei0 such that E results from Eio by an extension of scalars of Aio to A (or, that which amounts to the same, does there exist a cartesian inductive system (Ei), indexed by {i £ I\i > io}, for which the limit is E) ?
(aaaa)If there exists io such that (Ei) and (Fj) are cartesian for i > i0, is the map (6.1.1) (where the inductive limit is reached for i > io) an isomorphism ?
There is a positive answer to the two questions with the help of hypothesis of finite presentation. (Recall that a module is said to be finitely presented if it is the cokernel of a homomorphism between free modules of the finite type.) More precisely, there is the following statement, which can be verified immediately:
Lemma 6.1.2. With the preceding notation:
(bbbb)If E is a finitely presented A-module, there exists io £ I and an Ai0 -module of finite presentation Ei0 such that u* Ei0 ~ E.
(cccc)Let (Ei), (Fi) be two inductive systems, cartesian for i > io, with respective inductive limits E and F. Then if Ei0 is finitely presented, the map (6.1.1) is an isomorphism.
It follows from this that if E is finitely presented, the Eio which arises by extension of scalars is essentially unique, in this sense that if Eit is another choice (Ei0 and F^ both being two finite presentations), there exists V2 with «2 > i\ and «2 > *o such that Fj0 and F^ become isomorphisms by extensions of scalars to Ai2.
The Si = Spec At form a projective system of schemes for which S = Spec A is the projective limit. If (Xi, v^ : Xj ->- X{) is a projective system of Sj-schemes, we say that this system is cartesian for i > io if, for io < i < j, the transition arrow v^ gives a cartesian square
Xj -> Xj
Oj -> Oj.
In this case, the 5-scheme induced from Xio by extension of scalars to S is the projective limit of Xi. If (Yi) is a second projective system of 5j-schemes, cartesian for i > i0, the projective limit Y (= S Xj, Yio) of the Homs^Xj,Yi) form a
projective system, and one has an analogous map to (6.1.1):
(6.1.3) projlimHomSj(XuYi) ->- Roms(X,Y).
We can then formulate similar questions to (1) and (2) above. They have similar answers, with the condition of replacing the hypothesis of finite presentation for modules by the hypothesis of finite presentation for schemes (a morphism of schemes X -> Y is said to be a finite presentation if it is locally of finite presentation (2.1) and "quasi-compact and quasi-separated", which means that X is a finite union of open affine subsets Ua over an open affine subset Va of Y and that the intersections Ua H Up have the same property; if Y is Noetherian, X is finitely presented over Y if and only if X is of finite type over Y, i.e. locally of finite type over Y (2.1) and Noetherian):
Proposition 6.2. (a) If X is an S-scheme of finite presentation, there exists io G I and an Si0 -scheme Xi0 of finite presentation for which X is induced by a base change.
(b) If(Xi), (Y{) are two projective systems of Si-schemes, cartesian for i > io, and if Xi0 and Yi0 are finitely presented over Si0, then the map (6.1.3) is bijective.
As in the preceding, it follows from this that Xio of 6.2 (a) is essentially unique (two such schemes become ^-isomorphic for i large enough). Moreover, the usual properties of an 5-scheme of finite presentation (or of a morphism between such) are already determined to some extent, over Si for i large enough. Here are some, which are useful statements in themselves (the reader will find a long list in (EGA IV 8, 11.2, 17.7)):
Proposition 6.3. Let X be an S-scheme of finite presentation. We assume that X has one of the following properties V: projective, proper, smooth. Then there exists io £ I and an Si0 -scheme Xi0 of finite presentation, having the same property V, for which X is induced by base change.
The case where V is "projective" is easy: X is the closed subscheme of a standard projective space P = P£ defined by an ideal locally of finite type. It suffices to lift P, and then the closed immersion (i.e. the corresponding quotient of Op, cf. 6.11). The "proper" case is less immediate, but roughly, it goes back to a classical result, namely Chow's Lemma (cf. EGA IV 8.10.5). The "smooth" case is a little more difficult (which uses criterion 2.10), see (EGA IV 11.2.6 and 17.7.8). With regard to the properties of type (b) evoked in 6.0, we will only have need of the following result:
Proposition 6.4. Let S be a scheme of finite type over Z. Then:
(dddd)If x is a closed point of S, the residue field k(x) is a finite field,
(eeee)All locally closed nonempty components Z of S contain a closed point of S.
For the proof, we refer to (EGA IV 10.4.6, 10.4.7), or in the case where S is affine, this goes back to (Bourbaki, Alg. Com. V, by 3, n° 4) (this is a consequence of Hilbert's theorem of zeros).
We will need to apply 6.4 (b) to the case where Z is the smooth part of S, S being assumed integral16 :
A scheme is said to be integral if it is reduced and irreducible.
Proposition 6.5. Let S be an integral scheme of finite type over Z. The set of points x of S for which S is smooth over SpecZ is a nonempty open set of S. In particular, if A is a Z -algebra of finite type, and integral, there exists s £ A, s ^ 0, such that Spec As is smooth over Z.
The openness of the set of smooth points of a morphism locally of finite presentation is a general fact, which is a consequence for example of the jacobi criterion 2.6 (a), cf. (EGA IV 12.1.6.). That in the present case this open set is nonempty follows from a local variant of 2.10 and from the fact that the generic fiber of S is smooth over Q at its generic point, Q being perfect.
We will finally have to use some standard results of compatability of direct images by a base change (or, as one says sometimes, of cohomological cleanliness). Not wanting to weigh down our exposition, we will state them only in the case where it will be useful for us to have, for the Hodge cohomology and the de Rham cohomology.
Proposition 6.6. Let S be an affine scheme17, Noetherian, integral, and f : X ->- S a smooth and proper morphism.
(ffff)The sheaves R^ f*flx,s and Rnf*Qx,s are coherent. There exists a nonempty open set U of S such that, for any (i,j) and any n, the restrictions to U of these sheaves are locally free of finite type.
(gggg)For any i £ Z and for any morphism g : S1 ->- S, if f : X' ->- S" denotes the induced scheme of X by base change via g, the canonical arrows of D(S') (according to base change)
(hhhh)Lg*Rf*nx/s -»? Rf',Wx,/s,
(iiii)Lg*Rf,n'x/s -»- Rf'^'x,/S,
are isomorphisms.
(c) Fix i ¤ Z and assume that for any j, the sheaf Rif*Qx,s is locally free over
S, of constant rank h%K Then for any j, the base change arrow (induced from
(6.6.3) g*Rjf.nx/s -»? Rjfi,nxl/s,
is an isomorphism. In particular, i?J fl$lx, is, is locally free of rank h%K
(d) Suppose that for all n, Rnf*flx,s is locally free of constant rank hn. Then for
all n, the change of base arrow (induced from (6.62)J
(6.6.4) gmRnf.nx/s -»? Rnfinx,/S,
is an isomorphism. In particular, Rn fl$lx, is, is locally free of rank hn.
Let us briefly indicate the proof. The fact that the i?Jf*^x/s are coherent is a particular case of the finiteness theorem of Grothendieck (EGA III 3) (or [H2] III 8.8 in the projective case). The coherence of Rnf*fl'x,s follows from this by the relative Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence (5.9(2)). For the second
7The hypothesis "affine" is unnecessary; we use it only to facilitate the proof of (b).
assertion of (a), denote by A the (integral) ring of S, K its field of fractions, which is therefore the local ring of S at its generic point n. We set for abbreviation Rif*Wx/s = Wj, RnfMx/s = nn. The fiber of Hij (resp. Hn) at n is free of finite type (a if-vector space of finite dimension), and is the inductive limit of ^?\d(s) (resP- ^ld(s))' f°r s transversing A, D(s) denoting "the open complement" of s, i.e. SpecAs = X - V(s). By 6.1.2 it follows from this that there exists s such that T~LVDts\ (resp. 'H1\Dts)) are free of finite type. For (b), we choose a finite covering U of X by open affine sets, denote by W the open covering of X' induced from U by base change. Since S is affine and that X is proper, therefore separated over S, the finite intersections of open sets in U are affine and similarly the finite intersections of open sets in W are (relatively) affine18 over 5". Consequently (cf. [H2] III 8.7), Rf*nx/S (resp. Rf!"nx,/S,) is represented by f*C(U,nx/s) (resp. f[C(U',ilx,/$'))?> where we denote here by C(U,») the alternating complex of cochains. By the compatability of fP by a base change, there is a canonical isomorphism of complexes
g*fAu,nx/s) ^> f'Au',nxl/sl).
Since the complex f*C(U, ^x/s) 1S bounded and with flat components, this isomorphism realizes the isomorphism (6.6.1). Similarly, Rf*fl'x,s (resp. Rflflx,,s,)) is represented by f*C(U,Q,x,s) (resp. flC(W,Q'X, ,s,j) (where C denotes this time
the associated simple complex of the Cech bicomplex), and one has a canonical isomorphism of complexes
g'fAWx/s) ^ f'Au',nx,/s,),
which realizes the isomorphism (6.6.2). Assertions (c) and (d) follow from (b) and from the following lemma, for which we leave the verification to the reader:
Lemma 6.7. Let A be a Noetherian ring and E a complex of A-modules such that H%{E) are projective of finite type for any i and zero for almost all i. Then:
(jjjj)E is isomorphic, in D(A), to a bounded complex with projective components of finite type.
(kkkk)If E is bounded and with projective components of finite type, for any A-algebra B, and for all i, the canonical homomorphism
BtoAWiE) -^HHB^aE)
is an isomorphism.
Remarks 6.8. (a) A complex of A-modules, isomorphic in D (A), to a bounded complex with projective components of finite type is said to be perfect. One must be aware that if E is perfect, it is not true in general, that the H%(E) are projective of finite type. One can show that under the hypothesis of 6.6, the complexes Rf*flx,s and Rf*Qx,s are perfect over S (and not only over U). The notion of a perfect complex plays an important role in numerous questions in algebraic geometry. (b) In the statements of 6.6 concerning flx/s, one can replace Slx/s ^ an^ l°cany free Ox-module F of finite type (even coherent and relatively flat over S): The
18A morphism of schemes is said to be affine if the inverse image of any affine open set is affine.
conclusions of (a), (b) and (c) are still valid on the condition of replacing flx,/s, by the inverse image sheaf F' of F over X'. Similarly, the complex Rf*F is perfect over S.
We are now able to state and prove the promised application of 5.6:
Theorem 6.9 (Hodge Degeneration Theorem). Let K be a field of characteristic zero, and X a smooth and proper K-scheme. Then the Hodge spectral sequence of X overK (4.8.3)
E^ =W{X,nix/K)^H^K{XlK)
degenerates at E\.
Set AmiKW{X,nx/K) = hij, dim H£R(X/K) = hn. It suffices to prove that for all n, hn = J2i+j=n ^ (c^- (4-8.3)). Write K as an inductive limit of the family (A\)\¤l of its sub-Z-algebras of finite type. According to 6.3, there exists a ¤ L and a smooth and proper 5a-scheme Xa (where Sa = SpecAa) for which X is induced by base change Specif ->- Sa. Even if it means to replace Aa by Aa[i_1] for a suitable nonzero t £ Aa, we can assume, according to 6.5, that Sa is smooth over SpecZ. Abbreviate Aa by A, Sa by S, Xa by X, and denote by / : X ->- S the structure morphism. Again by replacing A by A[t_1], we can according to 6.6 (a), assume that the sheaves R? f*$l\is (resp. Rnf*^x/s) are ^ree °^ constant rank, necessarily equal then to /iy (resp. hn) according to 6.6 (c) and (d). Since the relative dimension of X over S is a locally constant function and that X is quasi-compact, one can in addition choose an integer d which bounds this dimension at any point of X and therefore the dimension of the fibers of X over S at any point of S. Applying 6.4 (b) to Z = SpecA[l/N] for suitable N (say, the product of prime numbers < d), one can choose a closed point s of S, for which the residue field k = k(s) (a finite field) is of characteristic p > d. Since S is smooth over Spec Z, the canonical morphism Spec k -> S (a closed immersion) is extended (by definition of smoothness (2.2)) to a morphism g : SpecVl^fc) ->- S, where W^ik) is the ring of Witt vectors of length 2 over k (3.9). Denote by Y = 3£s the fiber of X over s = Specfc and Y\ the scheme over SpecVl^fc) induced from X by the base change g. We therefore have cartesian squares:
Y -> Fi -> X Spec W2 (k) -4 S d,
(6.10.2) Hj(X,L®~1 ® nx/K) = 0 iori + j io, with limit X = S Xg, X{0.
(llll)If E is a finitely presented Ox -module, there exists i > io and a Oxt -module Ei of finite presentation for which E is induced by extension of scalars. If E is locally free (resp. locally free of rank r), there exists j > i such that Ej = Oxj ®ox- Ei *s locally free (resp. locally free of rank r). If X is projective over S and E is an ample invertible Ox-module (resp. very ample) (5.7), there exists j > i such that Xj is projective over Sj and Ej is ample invertible (resp. very ample).
(mmmm)LetEi0, F{0 be finitely presented Ox-modules, and consider the systems (Ei), (Fi) which are induced by extension of scalars over the Xi for i > io, as well as the modules E and F which are induced by extension of scalars over X. Then there is a natural map
ind lim Hom0x. (E^, F^) ->- Hom0x (E, F),
i>i0 '
which is bijective.
The proof of (b), then of the first two assertions of (a), brings us back to 6.1.2. For the latter part of (a), it suffices treat the case where E is very ample, i.e. corresponds to a closed immersion h : X -> P = frs such that h*Op(l) ~ E. For i sufficiently large, one lifts h by an 5j-morphism hi : Xt ->- Pt = Frs_ and E by invertible Ei over Xi. Even if it means to increase i, hi is a closed immersion and the isomorphism h*Op(l) ~ E comes from an isomorphism h^Op{(l) ~ Ei; Et is then very ample.
Proving 6.10. Proceeding as in the proof of 6.9, and moreover applying 6.11, one can find a subring A of K of finite type and smooth over Z, a smooth projective morphism / : X -> S = Spec A of pure relative dimension d, for which X ->- Spec K is induced by base change, and an ample invertible Ojf-niodule £ for which L is induced by extension of scalars. By virtue of 6.6 and 6.8 (b), one can assume, even if it means to replace A by A[t_1], that the sheaves B? f*(M®fllx/'S), where M = C (resp. £®-1), are free of finite type, of constant rank, necessarily equal, according to 6.8 (b), to hij(L) = dimKHi(X,L®nx/K) (resp. hij(L®-1) = Hi(X,L®-x Qx,Kj). Let us choose then g : Spec W2(k) ->- S as in the proof of 6.9. The inverse image sheaf C8 of C over Y = Xs is ample. According to 6.6 and 6.8 (b), one has dimfc H'J(Y, Cs n\r/k) = hij(L), and dimfc W(Y, Cf-1® ft^/fc) = hij(L®"1). The conclusion then follows from 5.8.
Remark 6.12. In a similar manner, the Ramanujam vanishing theorem on surfaces [Ram] follows from the variant of 5.8 relative to the numerically positive sheaves (cf. 5.9 (5)).
7. Recent developments and open problems
A. Divisors with normal crossings, semi-stable reduction, and logarithmic structures.
7.1. Let S be a scheme, A a smooth S-scheme, and D a closed subscheme of A. We say that D is a divisor with normal crossings relative to S (or simply, relative) if, "locally for the etale topology on X", the couple (X, D) is "isomorphic" to the couple formed from the standard affine space Ag = S\t\,... ,tn] and from the divisor V{t\ ? ? ? tr) of the equation t\ ? ? ? tr = 0, for 0 < r < n (the case r = 0 corresponds to t\ ? ? -tr = 1 and V(t\ ? ? -tr) = 0). This means that there exists an etale covering (Xi)iei of X (i.e. a family of etale morphisms Xt -> X for which the union of the images is X) such that, if Dt = Aj xx D is the closed subscheme induced by D on Xt, there exists an etale morphism Xt ->- Ag for which there is a cartesian square
Di -> X,
V(h---tr) -> A? (n and r dependant on i). In other words, that there exists a coordinate system (xi,... ,xn) on Xi in the sense of 2.7 (defining the etale morphism Xj -> Ag) such that Dt is the closed subscheme of the equation x\ ? ? ? xr = 0. This definition is modeled after the analogous definition in complex analytic geometry (cf. [Dl]), where "locally for the etale topology" is replaced by "locally for the classical topology", and "etale morphism" by "local isomorphism". A standard example of a divisor with normal crossings relative to S = Specfc, k a field of characteristic different from 2, is the cubic with double point D = Speck[x,y]j(y2 - x'2(x - 1)) in the affine plane X = Spec k[x,y]. (Observe in this example that there does not exist a system of coordinates (xj) as above on a Zariski open covering of A, an etale extension (extraction of a square root of x - 1) being necessary for to make possible such a system in a neighbourhood of the origin.)
The notion of a divisor with the normal crossings D ^ A relative to S is stable by etale localization over A and by base change S" -> S.
If D ^ X is a relative divisor with normal crossings, and if j : U = X\D ^ X is the inclusion of the open complement, we define a subcomplex
(7.1.1) )
of j*^l\f/s, called the de Rham complex of X/S with logarithmic poles along D, by the condition that a local section uj of j*$l\jis belong to Qx,s(\ogD) if and only if ui and dw have at most a simple pole along D (i.e. are such that if / is a local equation of D, fuj (resp. / duj) is a section of Slx/S (resp. ^^/s) (NB. / is necessarily a nonzero divisor in Ox))- One easily sees that the Ox-modules Qx,s(\ogD) are locally free of finite type, that Qx,s(\ogD) = A1 flx,s(logD), and that if as above, (x\,... ,xn) are coordinates on an A' etale neighbourhood
over X where D has for equation x\ ? - ? xr = 0, Qx,s(\ogD) is free with basis
There is a natural variant in complex analytic geometry of the construction
(7.1.1) (cf. [Dl]). If S = SpecC and D C X is a(n algebraic) divisor with normal
crossings, the complex of analytic sheaves associated to (7.1.1) on the analytic space
Xan associated to X,
n^/c(iogr>)an = n5f"/c(iogr>an),
calculates the transcendental cohomology of U with values in C: There is a canonical isomorphism (in the derived category D(Xan,C))
(7.1.2) RjX-n'x/s(logDr\
and consequently an isomorphism
(7.1.3) H\Uan,C) ~ Hi{Xaa,nx/s{logD)aD)
(loc. cit.). Moreover, if X is proper over C, the comparison theorem of Serre [GAGA] allows us to deduce from (7.1.3) the isomorphism
(7.1.4) H^U^X) ~iP(X,Jfys(log£>)).
Moreover the filtration F of H*(X,flx,s(logD)), being the outcome of the first spectral sequence of hypercohomology of X with values in flx,s(logD),
(7.1.5) Ef = H«(X,Slx/s(logD) => H"+"(X,nx/s(logD))
is the Hodge filtration of the natural mixed Hodge structure of i7*(C/an,Z) defined by Deligne, and the spectral sequence (7.1.5) degenerates at E\ ([D2]).
Just as in the case where D = 0 (6.9), this degeneration can be shown by reduction to characteristic p > 0. Indeed, we have the following result which generalizes 5.1 and for which the proof is analogous ([D-I] 4.2.3):
Theorem 7.2. Let S be a scheme of characteristic p > 0, 5~ a flat lifting of S over Z/p2Z, X a smooth S-scheme and D C X a relative divisor with normal crossings. Denote by F : X ->- X' the relative Frobenius of X/S. If the couple (X',D') admits a lifting (X'~,D'~) over 5~, where X'~ is smooth and Z)'~ C X'~ is a relative divisor with normal crossings, the complex of Ox-modules T xx ? ? ? xn (n > 1).
In other words, if S = A^, the scheme AJ, considered as 5-scheme by s, is the sub-5-scheme of Ag = S[x\,... ,xn] = T\x\,... ,xn,t] with equation x\ - ? - xn = t.
The morphism s is smooth outside 0 and its fiber at 0 is the divisor D with equation (x\ ? - ? xn = 0), a divisor with normal crossings relative to T, but not with S (a "vertical" divisor). More generally, if S is a smooth T-scheme of relative dimension 1 and E C S a relative divisor with normal crossings (if T is the spectrum of an algebraically closed field, E is therefore simply a finite set of rational points of S), we say that the 5-scheme X has semi-stable reduction along E if, locally for the etale topology (over X and over S) the morphism X -> S is of the form soj, with g smooth, s being the morphism considered above. The divisor D = XxsEcXis then a divisor with normal crossings relative to T (but not to 5)19. An elementary example is furnished by the "Legendre family" X = Speck[x,y,t]/(y2 - x(x - l)(x - t)) over S = Specfc[t], (k a field of characteristic 7^ 2), which has semi-stable reduction on {0} U {1}, the fiber at each of these points being isomorphic to the cubic with double point considered above. The interest in the notion of semi-stable reduction comes from the semi-stable reduction conjecture, which roughly asserts that locally, after suitable ramification of the base, a smooth morphism can be extended to a morphism with semi-stable reduction. This conjecture was established by Grothendieck-Deligne-Mumford and Artin-Winters ([G], [A-W], [D-M]) in any characteristic but relative dimension 1, and Mumford ([M]) in characteristic zero and arbitrary relative dimension.
If / : X ->- S has semi-stable reduction along E, we define the de Rham complex with relative logarithmic poles
(7.3.1) cjx/s = Qx/s(logD/E),
with components cux,s = Atuix,s, where ^x/s is the quotient of f)^/T(logD) by the image of f*Q1s,T(\ogE) and the differential is induced from that of flx,T(logD) by passing to the quotient. This complex has locally free components of finite type (in the case of the morphism s above, u!x/s *s isomorphic to ((§)Oxdxi/xi)/Ox(J2dxi/xi) (therefore free with basis dxt/xi, i > 2)). It induces on the smooth open part U of X over S the usual de Rham complex Q\j/S, and one can show that this is the unique extension over X of this complex which has locally free components of finite type. Moreover, if one sets for abbreviation, wx/t = ^x/tQ°&D), <^s/t = ^s7t(1°6^')> there is an exact sequence
(7.3.2) 0 -> a4/T (8i ux/s[-i\ -»? uj'x/t -> u)x/s -> 0,
where the arrow to the left is given by ab h->- f*aAb. This exact sequence plays an important role in the regularity theorem of the Gauss-Manin connection (cf. [K2] and the article of Bertin-Peters in this volume). There also exists a variant of these constructions in complex analytic geometry. Assume that T = Spec C, that S is a smooth curve over C, E C S the divisor reduced to a point 0, and that / : X -? S is a morphism with semi-stable reduction at {0}, with fiber Y at 0. (Y is therefore a divisor with normal crossings in X relative to C.) We consider the complex
(7.3.3) ujy = C{0} <8>os wx/si
with components the locally free sheaves of finite type ujy = Oy ox ^x/s- Steen-brink [St] has shown that the complex analogue Wyan over Yan (which is also the
19 One can similarly define a notion of semi-stable reduction along E without the hypothesis on the relative dimension of S over T, cf. [15].
complex of sheaves associated to LUy over yan) embodies the complex of neighbouring cycles R^(C) of / at 0, so that if moreover / is proper, H*(Y, ujy) "calculates" ff*(I(a",C) for t "close enough" to 0. Steenbrink also shows (under this extra hypothesis) that the spectral sequences
(nnnn)Ef = B?Uu?xls => Rp+qf*tux/s and
(oooo)Epq = Hq(Y,ujY) =>? Hp+q(Y,ujY)
degenerate at E\ and that the sheaves Rqf*ux,s are locally free of finite type and of formation compatible with any base change. These results form part of the construction of a limiting mixed Hodge structure on H*(X^n,l,) for t tending to 0 (loc. cit.). They can by themselves, be proven by reduction to characteristic p > 0 ([15]). For T of characteristic p > 0, and / : X ->- S with semi-stable reduction along E C S, the complexes ujx/s an(^
(7.3.6) uj'd = Od ®0s wj/s
(where D = E x$ X) indeed give rise to Cartier morphisms (of the type of 3.5), and under the hypothesis of a suitable lifting modulo p2, t 0, W = W(k) the ring of Witt vectors over k, X a smooth and proper W-scheme of relative dimension < p. Then for any integer n > 1, the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence
(7.6.1) E{j = Hi(Xn, n^,wJ => Hi+((Xn/Wn)
degenerates at E\, where Wn = Wn(k) = W/pnW denotes the ring of Witt vectors of length n over k and Xn the scheme over Wn induced from X by reduction modulo pn (i.e. by extension of scalars ofW to Wn).
(pppp)For n = 1, we have Wn = Wn(k) = W/pnW and we recover statement 5.6, apart from which in 7.6, we assume given a lifting of X over W (rather than over Wz)'20. Under the hypothesis of 7.6, it is not true in general, for n > 2, that the de Rham complex ftx ,w (which is, a priori, only a complex of sheaves of W^-modules over Xn (or X\, Xn and X\ having the same underlying space)) is decomposable in the corresponding derived category D{X\,Wn). However, the results of Ogus ([Ogl] 8.20) imply that if a denotes the Frobenius automorphism of Wn, a*flx ,w is isomorphic in the derived category D{X\, Wn) of sheaves of Wra-modules over X\, to the complex flx w (p) induced from ftx w by multiplying the differential by p. (NB. For n = 1, we have ^xn/wn W = © ^Jd/fcl-*]-) ^ne conclusion of 7.6 comes about easily, like various additional properties of H£,R(Xn/Wn) (structure called "of Fontaine-Laffaille" - including in particular the fact that the Hodge filtration is formed from direct factors), see [F-M] and [Kal].
(qqqq)The degeneration and decomposition results for which we discussed until now carry over to de Rham complexes of schemes, possibly with logarithmic poles. More generally, we can consider the de Rham complexes with coefficients in modules with integrable connections. Many generalizations of this type have been obtained: For Gauss-Manin coefficients [15], of sheaves of Fontaine-Laffaille [Fa2], of T-crystals [Og2] (besides these last objects providing a common generalization of the previous two).
C. Open problems.
7.9. Let k be a perfect field of characteristic p > 0, X a smooth fc-scheme
of dimension d, X' the scheme induced from X by base change by the Frobenius
automorphism of k, F : X ->- X' the relative Frobenius (3.1). We have seen in
5.9 (1) (a) (with S = Specfc, T = SpecW2(k)) that the following conditions are
equivalent :
(i) X' - or, that which amounts to the same here, X - is lifted (by a smooth and proper scheme) over W2(k);
(ii) T 1 and Z smooth and proper over Wn of dimension < p, then if Z admits a lifting (smooth and proper) over Wn+i, the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence of Z/Wn degenerates at Ei ([Og2] 8.2.6). This result truly generalizes 5.6.
(rrrr)If X is proper over k and DR-decomposable, the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence of X/k degenerates at E\.
(ssss)If X is projective over k, of pure dimension d, and DR-decomposable, and if L is an invertible ample sheaf over X, one has the vanishing results of Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano (5.8.1) and (5.8.2).
By virtue of the equivalence between conditions (i) and (ii) above, a necessary condition for that X is DR-decomposable is that X is lifted over W2(k). According to [D-I], it is sufficient if d < p (5.5 and 5.9 (3)). We are unaware if it is always true in general:
Problem 7.10. Let X be a smooth fc-scheme of dimension d > p, liftable over W2(k). Is it the case that X is DR-decomposable ?
7.11. Recall (5.5.1) that if X and F lift over W2(k), X is DR-decomposable;
this is the case if X is affine, or is a projective space over k. As indicated in [D-I]
2.6 (iv), if X is liftable over W2(k) and if, for any integer n > 1, the product
morphism {tiix/k)®n ->- ^x/k admits a section, then X is DR-decomposable (see
8.1 for a proof). This second condition is checked in particular if X is parallelizable,
i.e. if Slxik is a free Ox-module (or, that which amounts to the same, the tangent
bundle Tx/k, dual of £lx/k> *s trivial), therefore for example if X is an abelian
variety. By a theorem of Grothendieck (cf. [Oo] and [17] Appendix 1), any abelian
variety over k is lifted over W2(k) (and similarly over W{k)). Therefore any abelian
variety over k is DR-decomposable. Another interesting class of liftable fc-schemes
(over W(k)) is formed from complete intersections in frk (see the expose of Deligne
(SGA 7 XI) for the definitions and basic properties of these objects). But we
do not know if those are DR-decomposable. The first unknown case is that of a
(smooth) quadric of dimension 3 in characteristic 2. We also don't know if the
Grassmannians, and more generally, flag varieties, which are, albeit liftable over
W(k), are DR-decomposable (the only known example is projective space!).
Problem 7.10, with "liftable over W2(k)" replaced by "liftable over W(k)", is also an open problem. On the other hand, we can replace "liftable over W{k)" by "liftable over AJ\ where A is a totally ramified extension of W(k) ( = ring of complete discrete valuations, finite and flat over W(k), with residue field k, and of degree > 1 over W(k)): Lang [L] has indeed constructed in any characteristicp > 0, a smooth projective fc-surface X liftable over such a ring A of degree 2 over W(k) such that the Hodge to de Rham spectral sequence of X/k does not degenerate at El
7.12. The decomposition statements to which we referred to at the end of 7.3
apply in particular to a smooth curve S over T = Specfc and with a scheme X
over S having semi-stable reduction along a divisor with normal crossings E C S
(therefore etale over k), for which certain hypothesis of liftability modulo p2 are
satisfied. More precisely, if we assume that:
(i) There exists a lifting (E~ C T) of (£ C S) over W2 = W2{k) (with S*~ smooth and E~ a relative divisor with normal crossings, i.e. etale over W2), admitting a lifting F~ : 5~ -> 5~ of the Frobenius (absolute) of S such that {F~)-1(E~)=pE~ 21,
21This notation denotes the divisor induced from E~ by the raising to the p-th power of its local equations.
(ii) / is lifted by /~ : X~ ->- 5~ having semi-stable reduction along E~, then t 0, the classical results of Grauert-Riemenschneider or Kawamata-Viehmeg. Neither can we generalize 5.9 (5) in dimension > 2. See [E-V] for a discussion of these questions.
8. Appendix: parallelizability and ordinary
In this section, k denotes a perfect field of characteristic p > 0. We denote by Wn = Wn(k) the ring of Witt vectors of length n over k. We begin by giving a proof of the result mentioned in 7.11:
Proposition 8.1. Let X be a smooth k-scheme. Assume that X lifts overW2 and that for any n > 1, the product morphism (^x/fc)^? ~~* ^x/k ad'mits a section. Then X is DR-decomposable (7.9).
We will have need of the following lemma:
Lemma 8.2. Let S and T be as in 5.1, X a smooth scheme over S, Z' a (smooth) lifting of X' over T. Let
f1 ?? nx>/s[-l] "> Wx/s
be the homomorphism Lp\, of D(X') defined in step B of the proof of 5.1, and for
n > 1,
r : (Slx,/s)®n[-n] -»? FMx/s
the composite homomorphism ir o (ip1)®11, where ir : (F*flx,s)®n -> F*£lx,s is the product homomorphism. Likewise, we denote by ir : (nx,,s)®n -t £lx,/s ^e product homomorphism. Then for any local section cu of (ilx,/s)®n, one has
where C_1 : £lX'/s ~~^ 7~LnF*Vlx,s is the Cartier isomorphism.
Proof. It suffices to show this for uj of the form u\ ® ? ? ? ® uin, where Wj is a local section of Qx,,s. By functoriality in the Ei £ D(X'), of the product
1 1 L L
niE1 ® - - - - Un{Ei® ? ? ? ®En), ai ® ? ? - - - - w") = C_1(wi) A - - - A C-^Wn) in HnFt,nx,s, and therefore that
ft"z/>?(wi ® ? ? - ® w") = C_1 (wi A - - - A un) = C"1 o 7r(wi Specfc is the projection and E is the fc-vector space x*(flx,k). Via a, a section of the surjective homomorphism E®n ->- AnE extends to a section of (flx,k)®n ->- ftx/k- Now apply 8.1.
Recall (5.5.1) the following definition:
Definition 8.4. Let X be a smooth and proper k-scheme. We say that X is ordinary if for any (i,j), one has W{X,B^lxik) = 0, where Bflx,k = d£l%x- F*Ox admits a retraction, i.e. the exact sequence of Ox<-modules (cf. 3.5)
(8.5.1) 0 -»? Ox- -> F»Ox 4 F*BQix/k ~> °
is split. We first observe that if X is Frobenius-decomposable, X is liftable over W^ (or, that which amounts to the same (5.9 (1) (a)), T Ox> -»? f%ox 4 F*znx/k A nx,/k -»? o,
composed with (8.5.1) and the extension
(8.5.2) 0 -»? F.BSlx/k -»? F.ZVLx/k A ilx,/k -> 0,
is zero. In general, we are unaware if "Frobenius-decomposable" implies "DR-decomposable". This is the case according to 8.3, if X is parallelizable. But the converse is false. Indeed one has the following result ([Me-Sr] 1.1): If X is a smooth and proper fc-scheme, parallelizable, then the following conditions are equivalent:
(tttt)X is Frobenius decomposable;
(uuuu)the extension (8.5.2) is split;
(vvvv)X is ordinary;
(wwww)(for X of pure dimension d) the homomorphism F* : Hd(X', Ox1) -> Hd(X, Ox) induced by the Frobenius is an isomorphism.
In particular, if X is ordinary and parallelizable, X lifts over Wi (Nori-Srinivas ([Me-Sr] Appendix) show in fact that for X projective, X lifts to a smooth projective scheme over W). Moreover - this is the principal result of [Me-Sr] - if fc is algebraically closed and X connected, there exists a Galois etale lifting Y ->- X of order of a power of p such that Y is an abelian variety.
If X is projective and smooth over fc, ordinary and parallelizable, Nori-Srinivas (loc. cit.) show more precisely that there exists a unique couple (Z,Fz), where Z
is a lifting (projective and smooth) of X over Wi (resp. Wn (n > 2 given), resp. W) and Fz ? Z ->- Z' a lifting of F : X ->? X', where Z' is the inverse image of Z by the Frobenius automorphism of W? (resp. Wn, resp. W). The existence and uniqueness of this lifting, said canonical, was first established by Serre-Tate [Se-Ta] in the case of abelian varieties. As indicated in 5.5.1, this result admits a converse, without the assumption of parallelizability.
Proposition 8.6. Let X be a smooth and proper k-scheme. Assume that there exists schemes Z and Z1 lifting respectively X and X' over W^ and a Wz-morphism G : Z -> Z' lifting F : X -> X' 22. Then X is ordinary.
This result was obtained independently by Nakkajima [Na].
8.7. Proof of 8.6. Let G : Z ->- Z' be a lifting of F and - F*flx the associated homomorphism of complexes, defined in (5.3.1) (one omits jk from the notation of differentials). This homomorphism sends ilx, into F*Zflx (notation of 8.4) and splits the exact sequence (cf. 3.5)
(8.7.1) 0 ->- F*Bflx -> F*ZQx A flx, -> 0.
We prove, by descending induction on i, that H*(X,BQX) = 0 (i.e. that Hn(X,BQx) = 0 for all n). For i > dimX, BQX = 0. Fix i and assume that we proved H*(X,BQjx) = 0 for j > i. Then we show that H*{X,B^XX) = 0. By the exact cohomology sequence associated to the exact sequence
(8.7.2) 0 ->- F^Zfl^1 ->- FM^1 -4 F"Bflx -> 0,
the induction hypothesis implies that for any n, one has
^"(jf'.F.zn^1) A ^"(x,^1),
and therefore
(8.7.3) dimff?(X',F*ZrJ71) = dimi7"(X, f)^1) = dim ir>(X', fl^,1).
The sequence (8.7.1) (relative to i - 1) being split, implies that the exact sequence of cohomology gives the short exact sequence
0 -> Hn(X',F»Bil^1) -> Hn{X\F*ZWxx) A iT^X',^,1) -»? 0.
The equality (8.7.3) implies that in this situation C is an isomorphism, and therefore that Hn(X',F^Bnix1) = 0, which concludes the proof.
Remark 8.8. The reader familiar with logarithmic structures will have observed that 8.6 and its proof extends to the case where k is replaced by a logarithmic point k = (k, M) with underlying point k and X by a log scheme X = (X, L) log smooth and of Cartier type over k ([Ka2]), proper over k. If one assumes that (X,F) is lifted over W^ik) (cf. [Hy-Ka] 3.1), then X is ordinary, i.e. W(X,Bux) = 0 for all i and all j.
We do not assume that Z' is the inverse image of Z by the Frobenius of W2.
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