Thierry Bouche’s TeX Home Page
When my main occupation leaves me some time, I used to support our
secretaries that typeset everything we write with (plain)TeX.
This led me to install & maintain TeX on our unix
platforms. Initially from scratch (web2c) but more recently from
teTeX. This still needs some customizing, and recompiling. I also had
to adapt plain TeX to T1 fonts in order to hyphenate french properly
(from macros by D. Taupin & Y. Haralambous).
I have investigated rather deeply the problem of the diversity of
fonts in (La)TeX, this led to some publications available on the
LaTeX Navigator.
They range from
- an
showing (with sources) that one can obtain a layout quite different
from the somewhat overseen one cloned from the TeXBook... with a
little extra work. And that one can in turn beat good old style hand
I also wrote a commissioned paper that appeared in Cahiers
GUTenberg, available here.
It has been translated by Christina Thiele and republished in TUGboat, and later MAPS.
After that, I wrote other papers, and was elected on the GUTenberg
board since 1997. I was chair of GUT’99. I have been the
editor of the Cahiers GUTenberg 2006-2016.
I also maintain a list of my publications related to TeX.
June 17, 1996 (quick edits December 20, 2006),
Thierry Bouche