Charline Smadi


I am interested in Probability Theory applied to Ecology and Evolution.
Research interests: branching processes, random environment, population dynamics, population genetics, mate choice.


Publications in Mathematics

  1. A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Parasite infection in a cell population: role of the partitioning kernel, Journal of Mathematical Biology 89, 2024.
  2. A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Spread of parasites affecting death and division rates in a cell population, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 168, 2024.
  3. A. Gonzalez Casanova, C. Smadi, A. Walkolbinger, Quasi-equilibria and click times for a variant of Muller's ratchet , Electronic Journal of Probability, 28: 1-37, 2023.
  4. C. Coron, M. Costa, H. Leman, V. Llaurens, C. Smadi, Origin and persistence of polymorphism in loci targeted by disassortative preference: a general model, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 86:4, 2023
  5. C. Smadi, Parasite infection in a cell population with deaths and reinfections, MathS in Action, 12, 2023
  6. C. Smadi, V. Vatutin, Critical branching processes in random environment with immigration: the size of the only surviving family, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 316, pages 336–355, 2022
  7. C. Smadi, V. Vatutin, Reduced processes evolving in a mixed environment, Stochastic Models, 2022
  8. C. Coquille, A. Kraut, C. Smadi, Stochastic individual-based models with power law mutation rate on a general finite trait space, Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, no. 123, 1-37, 2021.
  9. V. Bansaye, J.C. Pardo, C. Smadi, Extinction rate of continuous state branching processes in critical Lévy environments, ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 25, 346-375, 2021.
  10. A. Marguet, C. Smadi, Long time behaviour of continuous-state nonlinear branching processes with catastrophes, Electronic Journal of Probability, 26, no. 95, 1-32, 2021.
  11. C. Smadi, V.A. Vatutin, Critical branching processes in random environment with immigration: survival of a single family, Extremes, 2021.
  12. C. Coron, M. Costa, F. Laroche, H. Leman, C. Smadi, Emergence of homogamy in a two-loci stochastic population model, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 18:469–508, 2021.
  13. C. Dong, C. Smadi, V.A. Vatutin, Critical branching processes in random environment and Cauchy domain of attraction, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 17:877–900, 2020.
  14. A. Gonzalez Casanova, C. Smadi, On Λ-Fleming–Viot processes with general frequency-dependent selection, Journal of Applied Probability, 57(4):1162-1197, 2020.
  15. A. Bovier, L. Coquille, C. Smadi, Crossing a fitness valley as a metastable transition in a stochastic population model, Annals of Applied Probability, 2019.
  16. C. Coron, M. Costa, H. Leman, C. Smadi, A stochastic model for speciation by mating preferences, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 76:1421–1463, 2018.
  17. C. Smadi, The effect of recurrent mutations on genetic diversity in a large population of varying size, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 149(1): 11-51, 2017.
  18. S. Billiard, C. Smadi, The interplay of two mutations in a population of varying size: a stochastic eco-evolutionary model for clonal interference, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 127(3): 701-748, 2017.
  19. R. Brink-Spalink, C. Smadi, Genealogies of two linked neutral loci after a selective sweep in a large population of varying size, Advances in Applied Probability, 49(1): 279-326, 2017.
  20. S. Palau, J.C. Pardo, C. Smadi, Asymptotic behaviour of exponential functionals of Lévy processes with applications to random processes in random environment, ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat., 13, 1235–1258, 2016.
  21. C. Smadi, V.A. Vatutin, Reduced two-type decomposable critical branching processes with possibly infinite variance, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 21(2): 311-358, 2016.
  22. C. Smadi, An Eco-Evolutionary approach of Adaptation and Recombination in a large population of varying size, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 125(5): 2054 – 2095, 2015,.
  23. V. Bansaye, J.C. Pardo, C. Smadi, On the extinction of Continuous State Branching Processes with catastrophes, Electronic Journal of Probability, 18 no. 106, 1-31, 2013.

Publications in Ecology and Evolution

  1. J.L. Igelbrink, A. Gonzalez Casanova, C. Smadi, A. Wakolbinger, Muller’s ratchet in a near-critical regime: tournament versus fitness proportional selection, Theoretical Population Biology, 158, 2024.
  2. L. Maisonneuve, C. Smadi, V. Llaurens, Which cues are sexy? The evolution of mate preference in sympatric species reveals the contrasted effect of adaptation and reproductive interference, Evolution Letters, 2024
  3. L. Maisonneuve, M. Elias, C. Smadi, V. Llaurens, The limits of evolutionary convergence in sympatry: reproductive interference and developmental constraints leading to local diversity in warning traits, The American Naturalist, 2022.
  4. L. Maisonneuve, C. Smadi, V. Llaurens, Evolutionary origins of sexual dimorphism : Lessons from female-limited mimicry in butterflies, Evolution, 2022
  5. M. Voinson, C. Smadi, S. Billiard, How does the host community structure affect the epidemiological dynamics of emerging infectious diseases?, Ecological Modelling, 472, 2022
  6. L. Maisonneuve, T. Beneteau, M. Joron, C. Smadi, V. Llaurens, When do opposites attract? A model uncovering the evolution of disassortative mating, The American Naturalist 198 (5), 625-641, 2021.
  7. S. Billiard, C. Smadi, Stochastic dynamics of three competing clones: Conditions and times for invasion, coexistence and fixation, The American Naturalist 195 (3), 463-484, 2020.
  8. F. Lavallée, C. Smadi, I. Alvarez, B. Reineking, F-M. Martin, F. Dommanget, S. Martin, A stochastic individual based model for the growth of a stand of Japanese knotweed including mowing as a management technique, Ecological Modelling, 413, 2019.
  9. T. Cordonnier, C. Smadi, G. Kunstler, B. Courbaud, Asymmetric competition, ontogenetic growth and size inequality drive the difference in productivity between two-strata and one-stratum forest stands, Theoretical Population Biology, 130: 83-93, 2019.
  10. M. Voinson, A. Alvergne, S. Billiard, C. Smadi, Stochastic dynamics of an epidemic with recurrent spillovers from an endemic reservoir, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 457:37-50, 2018.
  11. C. Smadi, H. Leman, V. Llaurens, Looking for the right mate in diploid species: how does genetic dominance affect spatial differentiation in a sexual trait?, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 447:154-170, 2018.

Other Publications

  1. S. Martin, K. Erdlenbruch, I. Alvarez, S. Huet, C. Smadi, Viability, efficiency, resilience and equity: Using very diverse indicators to deal with uncertainties of future events, Environmental Science & Policy, 138:56-75, 2022
  2. F. Lavallée, C. Smadi, I. Alvarez, B. Reineking, F-M. Martin, F. Dommanget, S. Martin, Quels apports de la modélisation pour l'aide à la gestion de la renouée du Japon?, Sciences Eaux & Territoires, 27:108-111, 2019

PhD Students


  1. T. Bouinier, A. Brunaud, C. Smadi, V. Llaurens, Evolution of divergent daily temporal niches shaped by male-male competition can generate sympatric speciation (bioRxiv.2024.07.31.601896).


Isabelle Alvarez, Alexandra Alvergne, Vincent Bansaye, Sylvain Billiard, Anton Bovier, Loren Coquille, Thomas Cordonnier, Camille Coron, Manon Costa, Benoît Courbaud, Fanny Dommanget, Marianne Elias, Adrian Gonzalez Casanova, Mathieu Joron, Georges Kunstler, Fabien Laroche, Hélène Leman, Violaine Llaurens, Aline Marguet, François-Marie Martin, Sophie Martin, Sandra Palau, Juan Carlos Pardo, Björn Reineking, Vladimir Vatutin
