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Convert from a symbolic polynomial : e2r symb2poly

e2r or symb2poly takes as argument a symbolic polynomial and either a symbolic variable name (by default x) or a list of symbolic variable names.
e2r or symb2poly transforms the polynomial into a list (dense representation of the univariate polynomial, coefficients written by decreasing order) or into a sum of monomials (sparse representation of multivariate polynomials).
Input :
or :
or :
or :
Output :
$ \talloblong$1,0,-1 $ \talloblong$
Input :
e2r(x^2-x*y+y, [x,y])
or :
symb2poly(x^2-x*y+2*y, [x,y])
Output :

giac documentation written by Renée De Graeve and Bernard Parisse