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19.1.2  Graph and geometric objects attributes

There are two kinds of attributes for graphs and geometric objects: global attributes of a graphic scene and individual attributes for the specific geometric objects in the scene.

Individual attributes

Graphic attributes are optional arguments of the form display=value. They must be given as the last argument of a graphic instruction. Attributes are ordered in several categories: color, point shape, point width, line style, line thickness, legend value, position and presence. In addition, surfaces may be filled or not, 3D surfaces may be filled with a texture, 3D objects may also have properties with respect to the light. Attributes of different categories may be combined with +, e.g. in:


You can modify the following graphic attributes:

which is set with display=value or color=value, where value is a nonnegative integer. See Section 19.1.3 for more details on colors. The predefined colors in Xcas are: black, white, red, blue, green, magenta, cyan, yellow, brown, purple, violet, pink, orange, grey, teal, olive, navy, and gold.
Point shape
which is set with display=value, where value can be one of: rhombus_point, plus_point, square_point, cross_point, triangle_point, star_point, point_point or invisible_point.
Point width
which is set with display=point_width_n, where n is an integer between 1 and 7.
Line thickness
which is set with thickness=n or display=line_width_n where n is an integer between 1 and 7.
Line shape
which is set with display=value, where value can be one of: dash_line, solid_line, dashdot_line, dashdotdot_line, cap_flat_line, cap_square_line or cap_round_line.
where the text is set with legend="legendname" and the position is set with display=value, where value is quadrantn for some n∈{1,2,3,4}. These values correspond to the position of the legend of the object (using the trigonometric plane conventions). The legend is not displayed if the attribute display=hidden_name is added.
which is set with display=filled.
Image texture
which is set gl_texture="picture_filename" and fills a surface with a texture. See the interface manual for a more complete description and for gl_material options.


(See Section 26.9.3, Section 26.5.2, Section 26.3.3 and Section 26.6.3 for information on the commands used.)


By entering


we get the same result as above.

Global attributes

The following attributes are pertinent to the scene as a whole:


title="median_line";triangle(-1-i,1,1+i);median_line(-1-i,1,1+i); median_line(1,-1-i,1+i);median_line(1+i,1,-1-i)

Formatting textual annotations

There are several formatting options for the textual attributes (title, labels, and legend). Note that they can be used only in 2D plots.

Note that changing font to bold, italic or serif typeface can only be applied to the entire text. The @-option uses special slanted Unicode symbols.


axes=0; legend(i,"*This is bold text*"); legend(.5i,"/This is italic text/"); legend(1.5i,"Spectral energy density [W/m^3]"); legend(1+1.5i,"$pi^2/6 = 1^-2 + 2^-2 + 3^-2 + ** (Basel problem)$"); legend(1+i,"$@f(@x) = 1 -- @x -- @x^2 = 0 => @x = --(1 +- \\/5)/2$"); s1:="alpha*sin(@x--beta) + beta*cos(@x--alpha) <= alpha + beta":; s2:="alpha, beta > 0":; legend(1+.5i,"$"+s1+" for "+s2+"$")

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