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15.2.13  Hermite normal form

The Hermite normal form of a matrix A with integer coefficients is a sort of integer row-echelon form. It is an upper triangular matrix B such that B=UA for a matrix U which is invertible in ℤ (det(U)=± 1). The ihermite command finds the Hermite normal form of a matrix.

The result is obtained by a Gauss-like reduction algorithm using only operations of rows with integer coefficients and invertible in ℤ.


A:=[[9,-36,30],[-36,192,-180],[30,-180,180]]:; ihermite(A)




Application: Compute a ℤ-basis of the kernel of a matrix having integer coefficients.

Let M be a matrix with integer coefficients. To find the nullspace of M, you want find what you can multiply M by on the right to get the zero vector, but the Hermite command returns a matrix that you multiply on the left of M. So consider the transpose of M, MT.

Let A be the Hermite normal form of MT, and U an invertible matrix in ℤ such that A=U MT. Transposing this, you will get AT=M UT. Note that M times a column of UT equals the corresponding column of AT. So if a column of AT is the zero vector, then M times the corresponding column of UT will be the zero vector. In fact, these columns of UT will be a ℤ-basis for the nullspace of M.

Any columns of AT which are all zeros correspond to the rows of A which are all zeros. Since A is in Hermite form, these will be at the bottom, and so the corresponding rows of U will be at the bottom, and will be a ℤ-basis for the nullspace of M.

As an example, consider the matrix M:


Find the Hermite decomposition:






Only the third row of A consists of all zeros, so a ℤ-basis for the nullspace of M consists of only the third row of U, namely [−1,2,−1].

You can check that this is in the nullspace:



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