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6.50.6  The operator norm of a matrix: matrix_norm l1norm l2norm norm specnorm linfnorm

Operator norms

In mathematics, particularly functional analysis, a linear function between two normed spaces f:EF is continuous exactly when there is a number K such that ||f(x)||FK ||x|| for all x in E. (See Section 6.42.1 for norms on ℝn.) For this reason, they are also called bounded linear functions. The infimum of all such K is defined to be the operator norm of f, and it depends on the norms of E and F. There are other characterizations of the operator norm of f, such as the supremum of ||f(x)||F over all x in E with ||x||E ≤ 1.

If E and F are finite dimensional, then any linear function f:EF will be bounded.

Any m× n matrix A = (ajk) corresponds to a linear function f:ℝn → ℝm defined by f(x) = Ax. The operator norm of A will be the operator norm of f.

Computing operator norms

The matrix_norm command is a command which can find any of the above operator norms.


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