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2.10.1  Opening a spreadsheet

You can open a spreadsheet with the Spreadsheet ▸ New Spreadsheet menu item or with the key Alt+T.

When you open a new spreadsheet, a configuration screen with the following options appears:

— Here you can specify a variable in which the spreadsheet will be saved as a matrix.
Rows, Columns
— Here you can specify the number of rows and columns in the spreadsheet.
— If checked, then the spreadsheet will be re-evaluated every time you make a change to it. (You can always re-evaluate the spreadsheet by clicking the eval button on its menu bar.)
— If checked, then entering a matrix will distribute the contents across an appropriate array of cells, otherwise the matrix will be put in one cell.
— If checked, the graphical representation of the spreadsheet will be displayed below the spreadsheet, otherwise it will be displayed to the right of the spreadsheet.
Move right
— If checked, the cursor will move to the cell to the right of the current cell when data is entered, otherwise it will be moved to the cell below the current cell.
— If checked, the spreadsheet will be formatted as a spreadsheet, otherwise it will be formatted as a matrix.
— If checked, the graphical representation of the spreadsheet will be displayed.
Undo history
— Here you can specify how many undo’s can be performed at a time.

The configuration screen can be reopened with the Edit ▸ Configuration ▸ Cfg window menu attached to the spreadsheet.

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