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2.5.9  More configuration

You can configure other aspects of Xcas (besides the computational aspects and graphics) using the the menu item Cfg ▸ General configuration. You will then be given a window in which you can change the following options:

— This lets you choose a session font, the same as choosing the menu item Cfg ▸ Session font.
— This determines what type of level should be open when you start a new session.
— This determines what browser Xcas will use when it requires one, for example when displaying help. If this is empty, Xcas will use its built-in browser.
Auto HTML help
— If checked, then whenever you choose a function from a menu, a help page for that function will appear in your browser. Regardless of whether this box is checked or not, the help page will also appear in your browser if you enter ? function from a command box.
Auto index help
— If checked, then whenever you choose a command from a menu, the help index page for that function will appear. This is the same page you get when you choose the command from the help index. (See Section 2.3.3.)
Print format
— This determines the paper size for printing and saving files. There is also a button use to have the printing done in landscape mode; if this button is not checked, the printing will be done in portrait.
Disable Tool tips
— If checked, Xcas will stop displaying tool tips (see Section 2.3.1).
rows, columns
— These determine the default number of rows and columns for the matrix editor and spreadsheet (see Section 2.10).
PS view
— This determines what program is used to preview Postscript files.
Step by step
— If checked, then Xcas will not save context information.
— This sets a proxy server for updates.

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