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2.4.4  Help menu

The Help menu contains commands that let you get information about Xcas from various sources. This menu contains the following entries:

— This brings up the help index (see Section 2.3.3).
Find word in HTML help
(F12) — This brings up a page which helps you search for keywords in the html documentation that came with Xcas (see Section 2.3.2). The help will be displayed in your browser.
— This brings up a tutorial for the Xcas interface. The tutorial will be displayed in your browser.
Reference card, fiches
— This brings up a pdf reference card for Xcas. The card will be displayed in your browser.
— This allows you to choose from a variety of manuals for Xcas, which will appear in your browser.
CAS reference
— This brings up the manual for Xcas.
Algorithmes (HTML)
— This brings up a manual for the algorithms used by Xcas.
Algorithmes (PDF)
— This brings up a pdf version of the manual for the algorithms used by Xcas.
— This brings up a manual for 2D geometry in Xcas.
— This brings up a manual for programming in Xcas.
— This brings up a manual for statistics and using the Xcas spreadsheet.
— This brings up a manual for using the Turtle drawing screen in Xcas.
— This brings up a page of exercises that you can do with Xcas.
— This brings up a page of mathematical amusements that you can work through with Xcas.
— This brings up documentation for the GP/PARI functions.
— The Internet menu contains menu items that take you to various web pages related to Xcas. Among them are the following entries:
— This takes you to the Xcas forum.
Update help
— This installs updated help files (retrieved from the Xcas website).
There are also several menu items that take you to Xcas related pages written in French; namely:
Aide-memoire lycee
— This takes you to a paper discussing Xcas and high school.
Documents pedagogiques lycee
— This takes you to a page on the Xcas website with a list of useful links.
Documents algorithmique
— This takes you to a page on the Xcas website with a list of links.
Site Lycee de G. Connan
— This takes you to a page about a free book written by Guillaume Connan teaching algorithms to high school students.
Site Lycee de L. Briel
— This takes you to a website about Xcas for high school students.
Calcul formel au lycee, par D. Chevallair
— This takes you to a pdf file discussing the use of Xcas in high school.
Site de F. Han
— This takes you to a website by Frederic Han about Xcas and a QT frontent for giac.
Ressources Capes
— This takes you to a website with various external sources.
Ressources Agregation externe
— This takes you to a collection of external resources.
Ressources Agregation interne
— This takes you to a page on the Xcas website.
Start with CAS
— This menu has the following entries:
— This opens up the tutorial.
— This opens up the solutions to the exercises in the tutorial.
Tutoriel algo
— This opens up a tutorial on algorithms and programming with Xcas.
Rebuild help cache
— This rebuilds the help index.
— This displays a message window with information about Xcas.
— This allows you to choose from a variety of example worksheets, which will then be copied to your current directory and opened.

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